Roots by the River

I am a tree, with roots by
The river of living water,
Trials still may come
But they end in victory;
And even in the wilderness
When there's no hope at all,
I have roots by the river of the Lord.
When the scorching sun arrives,
My leaves won't wither and die,
I have roots by the river of the Lord.

Ephrata, Washington, United States


Jonathan Childs

College Station, Texas, United States

i am a tree


Seattle, Washington, United States



Seattle, Washington, United States



Seattle, Washington, United States


Michele Troughton

Vallejo, CA, United States

Lord, I want to be one who trusts in Jehovah and whose trust Jehovah is (Jer17:7), like a tree transplanted beside water, which sends out its roots by a stream and is not afraid when heat comes..

Lord Jesus, thank You for all Your saints who are transplanted beside water. We love You more each day.

Jeremy Wall

Charlotte, NC, United States

Trials still may come

But they end in victory!




Hope, BC, Canada

This song always reminds me of my Dad who had a life of roots by the river.

When he passed away one of the brothers sharing about his life compared him to a palm tree that could handle the scorching heat and still be in resurrection because he was always full of living water. He got up early every morning and got living water and supplied so many people every day. I miss him and want to be one who also is full of living water. It’s more like him in the Spanish version since he ministered so much to all the Spanish speaking.

Grace Lee

Anaheim, CA, United States

Je 17:7 Blessed is the man who trusts in Jehovah / And whose trust Jehovah is.

Je 17:8 And he will be like a tree transplanted beside water, / Which sends out its roots by a stream, / And will not be afraid when heat comes; / For its leaves remain flourishing, / And it will not be anxious in the year of drought / And will not cease to bear fruit.