Cup of Christ

Have you had your cup, your cup of Christ in the morning?
Start your day with a little restoring
With Christ as your new beginning.
What better way to start than to start the day singing?

Turn, turn your heart in the morning,
Take His blood, be washed from all things;
Nothing's too big or small for Him,
He's righteous and He will forgive;
Exercise your spirit in this way.
Have you had your cup, your cup of Christ in the morning?
Start your day with a little restoring
With Christ as your life-giving drink.
He'll fill your cup, He'll fill you up, until you sink in Christ.

Drink, drink up Christ in the morning,
Drink the One who's overflowing
In your heart, from the throne He's flowing
To reach you. With the tree that's growing
To cherish, to nourish, to refresh, to supply you.
Have you had your cup, your cup of Christ in the morning?
Start your day with a little restoring
With Christ as the heavenly air.
Just by one simple prayer, you can breathe Him anywhere.

Call, call His name in the morning,
Join yourself to the One who's soaring,
Transcending over everything,
Just call His name and breathe Him in.
Don't think; the breath knows where to go.
Have you had your cup, your cup of Christ in the morning?
Start your day with a little restoring
With Christ as your first and best love.
Let Him love you, He's really good at recovering you.

Love, love your Lord in the morning,
Open wide to His adorning
By loving you, making home in you,
Just love your Lord with all your heart,
With all your soul, with all your mind and strength.
Glory Jung

Anaheim, CA, United States

He's really good at recovering you!

A cup of Christ and fresh heavenly bread are soooo much better than a doughnut and a cup of coffee in the morning.

Raul Ramirez

Arvada, Colorado, United States

Psalm 17:15b When I awake, I will be satisfied with Your likeness.

Sarah Lee

Cambridge, United Kingdom

I love waking up to this and to Christ in the mornings. Hallelujah, the breath knows where to go!



So refreshing! Love, love your Lord in the morning,

Open wide to His adorning

By loving you, making home in you,

Just love your Lord with all your heart,

With all your soul, with all your mind and strength.

Nelson Liu

Boston, Massachusetts, United States

I’m not a coffee drinker, but I definitely try to get my cup of Christ in the morning everyday!


Houston, Texas, United States

Have you had your cup, your cup of Christ in the morning?

Start your day with a little restoring

With Christ as your first and best love.

Let Him love you, He’s really good at recovering you.


Samuel C.

Delft, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands

"Call, call His name in the morning,

Join yourself to the One who’s soaring,

Transcending over everything,"

We are learning to take Christ is our real coffee in the morning. Praise the Lord we are joined to the One who is soaring!

Patricia Greene

Murfreesboro, TN, United States

Praise the Lord for this Cup of Christ for daily restoring!

Hanah Baron Itomay

Iligan, Lanao Del Norte, Philippines

I enjoy so much from this hymn. I enjoyed that early in the morning we need to turn our heart to the Lord. Amen.