A divine, romantic story

There is a great mystery,
A wonderful story;
For ages 'twas hidden,
Now shown in His wisdom;
'Tis a divine romance
Of God and man in time;
Beyond understanding,
Yet seen in God's speaking.
  God fell in love with man;
For only God's love can
Make man just the same as He
In life and in nature.
We are His expression,
His bride, His enlargement;
Forever, together,
As living, insep'rable as one couple
Though He was rejected
By men who were blinded;
His love is constraining,
His heart still unchanging;
Thus in incarnation
Came He as salvation;
His name is called Jesus,
And He came to seek us.
Though born as a sinner,
His blood has redeemed me.
He suffered on Calv'ry,
Then raised up in glory,
To regenerate me.
Now joined in one spirit
I love to enjoy Him,
For I've been forgiven!
His love is so tender,
To Him I'll surrender;
His name is so precious,
I gladly call, "Jesus!"
His Person's so charming,
My heart ever winning;
I'll hold back no longer,
I'll love Him forever.
Lea Aldiano

Cebu City, Cebu, Phils.

I really love this song. God fell in love with man. He made man the same as He, in life and in nature. Praise the Lord, we are His bride and now we're living together as one couple eternally. Precious hymn to me. Hallelujah!


London, Middlesex, Uk

God fell in love with man for only God's love can. No other love can.. Halleluya! what a love...Lord we love u in return!


Singapore, Singapore

This song is really wonderful. The words just touched my heart to love Him evenmore... God bles His Church for His own Expression. Amen!


H.K, China

I enjoy this song very much. It is so wonderful and marvellous that god reaches me. This is a great story that god loves me so much. Lord I love you !


West Jakarta, Indonesia

God fell in love with man; who am i but LORD falling in Love..praise the Lord

thank you LOrd.. halleluya

Emmanuel Freeman

London, United Kingdom

Thank you Lord for your Love. Grant us with such love today so that we can love others.

Ruth Garcia

College Station, TX, U.S.A.

God falled in love with us wow!!!!!!

Lily Liu (Chun-I, Liu)

Houston, TX, Originally From Taipei, Taiwan (H23)

In winter of 2003, we went to visit a new church in north Philippine just established by FTTM trainees. One night, we joined their homemeeting in a house where Philipine trainees gathered young people in that locality. Those young trainees were teaching young people this song, we were singing with them.

At that very moment, Lord came to me and asked me in an intimate yet strong way, "would you be willing to serve me in a place like this(there is countryside of Philippine)?" I knew that I cannot and was not willing to serve the Lord in a place like that, I am a person who like to pursue better living standard. However, when it came to the fourth stanza," His Love is so tender, to Him, I'll surrende;..., His person's so charming, my heart ever winning; I'll hold back no longer, I'll love Him forever." My heart melt because of His love and experienced that the love of Christ constrain me, I no longer live to myself but to Him who died for us and has been raised. To His asking, i gladly said "yes". I knew I cannot but He can, He is the One who empowers me inwardly not outwardly. This very God fell in love with us and He WILL make us His expression, His bride and His enlargement, forever together living inseperable as one couple eternally. This is OUR DESTINY.

Now I do serve the Lord in a form not as a full-timer but a graduate student, not individually but corporately in priesthood.

Mark John


Wonderful song.

Cicy Zhao

I was so touched by this line" God fell in love with men". This shows what the relationship is between us and the Lord. He loves us, even the ones used to stand against Him!!! How can I resist such a love from Him? His grace shines, His love declares, and I just want to say: I love the Lord, I am willing to receive Him as my Life!