O Lord, You Know What's in My Heart

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O Lord, You know what's in my heart,
Desires concealed in my inward parts;
Though "I am Yours" my mouth's confessed,
By many loves my heart's possessed.
O Lord, my desp'rate cry now heed—
Regain my heart! Your help I need!
O'erturn, expose what weighs me down,
That in these things I would not drown.
How blind I've been, how filled with pride,
Believing in the things of sight,
In things uncertain placing hope,
And not in Him who all upholds.
Oh, turn my heart from meaner things;
Forgive me, Lord, for wavering.
I must pursue the One who's real;
The false, release; no more deceived!
Cause me, dear Lord, to truly see—
I'm Yours; a man of God indeed.
Your life and nature I, too, share;
To flee earth's snares, my earnest pray'r.
My heart, dear Lord, I yield anew
To only love, lay hold on You.
With cords of man, with bands of love,
Lord, keep me faithful till You come.

It is good that this hymn ends in such a prayer, "Lord keep me faithful till You come. " Though we cry out desperately for the Lord to gain us we must remember it is not of him who wills or he who runs, but it is to whom God shows mercy. God desires to show us mercy. As the brothers have helped us to see in the Word, it is actually God's need to show us mercy (among all of His other divine attributes and characteristics). By His mercy He will keep us, and He will gain us. Though we need Him, He needs us more. He needs us to come and take all that He is ready to give. The Bible says all things are ready, come! The gift of righteousness is measured in abundance. The Lord has a need and that is His expression. If we turn our hearts, and exercise our spirit of faith to receive all that the Father has prepared in Christ then not only will our need be met as illustrated in this hymn, but so will God's need be met.

Alex Raducan

Dublin, Ireland

A blessed song that the Lord has given me the grace to stumble upon in a time of need!

Cause us then, O Lord, to walk righteously in your ways! Filled with your Spirit, brimming with love, cause us to shine as torches for your kingdom, that our lives should be given wholly unto you, for from You are all things and to You are all things!


Loved this right where I’m at


Lagos City, Lagos State, Nigeria

Yes Lord, You know what's in my heart

Desires concealed in my inward parts

Though "I am Yours" my mouth's confessed

By many loves my heart's possessed

O Lord my desperate cry now need

Regain my heart, Your help I need

Overturn, expose what weighs me down

That in these things I would not drown


Gwen Ho


Oh, turn my heart from meaner things;

Forgive me, Lord, for wavering.

I must pursue the One who’s real;

The false, release; no more deceived!

Veronica Fravola

Williston Park, NY, United States

O Lord, You know what’s in my heart,

Desires concealed in my inward parts;

Though “I am Yours” my mouth’s confessed,

By many loves my heart’s possessed.

O Lord, my desp’rate cry now heed—

Regain my heart! Your help I need!


Gainesville, Florida, United States

Oh, turn my heart from meaner things;

Forgive me, Lord, for wavering.

I must pursue the One who's real;

The false, release; no more deceived!

Thank You, Lord, You are the only real One. Cause my heart to turn to You alone. Give me a vision of Yourself, so that my heart may be captured!


Liverpool, United Kingdom

Cause me, dear Lord, to truly see—

I’m Yours; a man of God indeed.

Your life and nature I, too, share;

To flee earth’s snares, my earnest pray’r.

My heart, dear Lord, I yield anew

To only love, lay hold on You.

With cords of man, with bands of love,

Lord, keep me faithful till You come Amen! Lord remember me!



A. B. L.

Manila, Metro Manila, Philippines

1 Timothy

6:9 But those who intend to be rich fall into temptation and a snare and many foolish and harmful desires, which plunge (or drown, sink) men into destruction and ruin.

6:10 For the love of money is a root of all evils, because of which some, aspiring after (craving for, longing for) money, have been led away from the faith and pierced themselves through with many pains.

6:11 But you, O man of God, flee these things, and pursue righteousness, Godliness, faith, love, endurance, meekness.

6:12 Fight the good fight of the faith; lay hold on the eternal life, to which you were called and have confessed the good confession before many witnesses.

6:17 Charge those who are rich in the present age not to be high-minded, nor to set their hope on the uncertainty of riches but on God, who affords us all things richly for our enjoyment