God's Dream

NS476 NS476c
There's always been something hidden deep in Your heart,
Yet I had not given it one single thought,
I only knew that I was wand'ring, feeling lost,
Dreaming were You, and I was too, in the wilderness,
Until one day You revealed Your dream in my heart.
Your heart's desire is with man to mingle as one,
To dwell with man, an eternal bond to form,
'Twas for this dream You became man, uplifting man,
That God and man, heaven and earth, be joined for aye,
God's house, heav'n's gate, now descends, Your dream to attain.
From heav'n You came as my bread of eternal life,
By eating You, I can now enjoy Your life,
Brought to His house, the Father's love for You is mine,
I'm joined, a branch, to You, the vine—union divine,
By bearing fruit, this relationship multiplies.
Abide in love, so His life in us may flow free,
By mutual love, His disciples we will be;
The more we're joined, the more we're built organically,
And by His word we're sanctified, not of the world,
As one new man, corporate God-man living we'll see.
O Lord, I place myself on the altar for You,
For Your desire, that Your dream may become true.
As for my life, I'd gladly dwell in a lowly tent,
To be a drink off'ring outpoured for man
God's pillar, stand to fulfill God's eternal plan.
Anthony (Tony) Nadeau

Bath, ME, United States

"God's Dream" Amen!

Highlan Joseph

New Delhi, Delhi, India

O Lord, I place myself on the altar for You,

For Your desire, that Your dream may become true.

As for my life, I’d gladly dwell in a lowly tent,

To be a drink off’ring outpoured for man

God’s pillar, stand to fulfill God’s eternal plan.

Lord, Your desire and Your dream is no long just Yours ✨


Shreveport, LA, United States

His House, my house;

His Family, my family;

His Business, my business and

His Dream my dream too.

Shalomi Enbaraj

Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

God’s house, heaven’s gate, now descends, Your dream to attain!



God's dream must be fulfilled!

Stone Chang

Jaipur, Rajasthan, India

God’s Dream, my dream!

Sherine Jacob

New Delhi, India

Amazing! Lord make Your dream my dream!!

Pei Chi

Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Love it <3

Thank God & Praise the Lord!


White Rock, BC, Canada

What a sweet hymn with deep and profound meaning! The more I get into the lyrics, the more I can sense the deep feelings of the author, a true Nazarite. No more wandering in the wilderness, because He has revealed His dream to us! We seek, love, and pursue the Lord, voluntarily consecrating ourselves to Him, living in the reality of His dream by abiding in the vine (Jn. 15:4-5), allowing His transforming life to flow in and through us, even through His sanctifying Word. May we continually offer ourselves on the altar to be burnt as a satisfying fragrance to Him, and be reduced to ashes so that His dream will be realized through us! Praise the Lord!

MuhYun Chan

Great Neck, New York, United States

I love this hymn so much and enjoy so much singing it again! Oh! How we'll blessed is that God has a pleasure to reveal what is His heart desire to all His dear seekers! Making them a dreamer just like He is, and even making them part of His dream!