Two Greatest Prayers of Paul

There are two greatest prayers we must pray everyday,
For which Paul the apostle taught us in Ephesians,
One in chapter one and the other, chapter three,
One for vision and the other for experience.
Grant us spirit of wisdom and of revelation,
Strengthen us, Lord, with power into our inner man,
Your economy then may become our vision,
And You may make home in our hearts to fulfill Your plan.
We have prayed for our many concerns, worries, and plans,
We have prayed for our heart's desire and so many aims,
We have prayed for good meetings and our gospel friends,
Now let's rise up and pray prayers that would turn this age!
Two millennia have gone by Christians countless as sands,
God's economy yet a mystery hidden to man,
Many zealous yet with no vision, no restraint,
Who would kneel down and pray to see God's central vision?
What's God's calling and glory of His inheritance?
What's the surpassing greatness of His power fourfold?
What's the transmission of Christ as Head to the church?
What's His Body, His fullness while He fills all in all?
To see vision we need to pray for four elements,
Wisdom to know and revelation of the objects,
Light for illumination and our eyes opened,
God's economy then shall be a vision so clear.
With the vision we must not be proud or be content,
Lest as Laodicea soon we lukewarm become,
Empty knowledge would only make you poor, blind, naked,
"Buy gold, garments and eyesalve!" — this' how we overcome!
What're Christ's unsearchable riches Paul as gospel proclaimed?
What're the breadth, length, height, depth of Christ we shall apprehend?
What's the knowledge-surpassing love of Christ to know?
What's to be filled with all the fullness of God fore'er?
Thus we all must pursue to gain the experience,
E'en as Mary wouldn't let go till the Lord manifest'd,
Look how Paul ran his race to gain Christ till the end,
Let us forget all things and press on to Christ ahead.
For experience we must pray to be strengthened always,
That from soul into spirit we would turn and remain,
Only when we're in spirit can Christ have a way,
From our spirit to make His home in our hearts through faith.
Seeing the vision would help us walk on God-ordained way,
Being in spirit then God will build up His dwelling place,
Making home in our hearts is how Christ builds His church,
How His bride is prepared for Him to come end this age.
Heav'nly vision must be renewed and ne'er disobeyed,
To experience Christ for His Body — that's all we care!
Let's all pray these two greatest prayers day by day,
Hallelujah! We'll soon bring Him back — no more delay!

Amen! How to sing this HYMN?




Baguio City, Benguet, Philippines

I really appreciate this hymn that tells us that we need a proper prayer life, not a prayer for our own sake or for our own interest here on earth but a prayer that would turn the age, a prayer that is for the Lord sake and for His ECONOMY. That's why we are being encouraged to become a man of prayer because prayer is our spiritual breathing.

We need a prayer that would bring in the kingdom of God and for the Lord to come back. Praise the Lord!

Betty Jane Bonn

Dunlap, Illinois, United States

The music doesn't seem to correspond to the singing of the words in this hymn, "Two Greatest Prayers of Paul." Would you check it out for us, please?

The words are absolutely wonderful!

I recognize this melody as from an old hymn that contains words something like the following:

"An old-fashioned Bible,"

"An old-fashioned church,"

"An old-fashioned gospel",

"An old-fashioned meeting," etc.

Thank you.

John Tarus

Nairobi, Kenya

What a rich hymn. We thank the Lord that we can enjoy Him in the church life. I am so happy that I can experience Christ through such wonderful songs. The Lord bless you saints.

Ricard Sedinkin

London, United Kingdom

Amen Lord. Grant us a spirit of wisdom and of revelation. Strengthen us, Lord, with power into our inner man, Your economy then may become our vision, and You may make home in our hearts to fulfill Your plan.

Rita Sanyu

Kla, Uganda

VISION and EXPERIENCE. What a rich song! I just can't stop pray-reading the chorus. Lord cause us to continually pray and sing, to hasten Your return.

Weiquan Lin (Will)

Palatine, IL, United States

The only way to bring the Lord back is to let Him make home in our hearts today! By praying these two prayers without delay!


Dublin, CA, United States

It's a deep hymn with a lot of wonderful truths. To sing it with all words, we may need to slow down the melody a little to absorb all these truths. Praise the Lord.

Vina Fransisca

Bandung, West Java, Indonesia

This is such a rich song!! This song is also my prayer everyday! Rich lyrics so I can't stop pray-reading it.