Give Yourself to Love the Lord

Give yourself to love the Lord.
No other way is so prevailing
And no other way, no other way is so safe.
Give yourself to love the Lord.
No other way is so rich,
And so full, oh so full, of enjoyment.
  Each morning we must rise up and say to Him,
"Lord Jesus, I love You."
Give yourself to love the Lord.
Do not care for anything else;
Just love Him! Do not care!
Give yourself to love the Lord!
  We are not our own, Lord;
All we have we give to You.
Lord Jesus! Lord Jesus!
Lord Jesus, we love You!
BRO.Richard C. Casis

Cebu City, Santander CEbu, Philippines

I like this song because it touched my heart and emotion (^_^). Amen....I would like to congratulate my batch 2007-2008 in the Iligan two-week training^^.


CDO, Philippines

We are not our own, Lord.

All we have we give to You...

Lord Jesus, I LOVE YOU!!! :)

Glorifel Brioso

Bogo City, Cebu, Philippines

Hallelujah!!! What a privilege that we can give ourselves to the Lord!!! May the Lord continue to preserve our hearts that we could willingly give ourselves to love only Him.No other way is so rich, so prevailing, and so full of enjoyment....amen

Pauline Ting

Sibu, Sarawak, Malaysia

Each morning we must rise up and say to Him: "Lord Jesus, I love You."

How wonderful and how sweet...

May the Lord have mercy on me to gain Him more and more each day...thank you Lord, amen.


I'm very happy because I've found the one who's altogether lovely!

When I love Him, I don't love myself. When I love Him, I don't love my soul-life. When I love Him, I don't love the world, nor my things. When I love Him, I don't care about my will, I don't care about anything but my Beloved!

Lord Jesus, I love You!

Draw me, and we will run after You!

renejean tapay

Valencia City, Bukidnon, Philippines

oh lord jesus i love you.....amen that as christians/we must give our self fully to the lord....

Veronica Montoya

Sacramento, CA, United States

No other way is so safe - No other way is so prevailing - no other way is so rich! Hallelujah! How rich He is to us!

SiewBee Lee

Bkt Mertajam, Penang, Malaysia

Just love Him, do not care, give yourself to love the Lord. And say to Him, "Lord Jesus I love You".

Alberto De La Rosa

Belmopan, Cayo, Belize

Dear Saints the Lord is gaining His Kingdom and He "will" Ge it. We just need to be open to Him rise up in the morning and tell Him how much we love Him. The Lord is reaching everywhere on the earth. Saints the Lord is growing deeply in the heart of many saints. He is seeking after His bride. He want His Kingdom back. Let's give Him the ground so that we can become the first fruits to satisfy the Lord. "Lord Jesus I love You Lord I dont want to be slothful in zeal but burning in spirit."

Mark Pablico



Give yourself to love the Lord. No other way is so prevailing, and no other way is so safe, so rich, and so full of enjoyment. Just love Him. Do not care for anything else. Teachings, doctrines, gifts, and power do not mean much. We must continually tell the Lord, "Lord, keep me in Your love! Attract me with Yourself! Keep me all the time in Your loving presence!" If we will pray in this way, we will see what love we will have toward the Lord and what kind of life we will live. We will simply live by the Lord Himself. As long as we love Him from the deepest part of our being, everything will be all right. If we need wisdom, He will be the wisdom to us. If we need power, He will be the power. If we need the proper and adequate knowledge, He will even be that to us. Whatever we need, He is. Do not try to get anything else; just look to Him that He would reveal His love to you. Song of Songs 1:4 says, "Draw me, we will run after thee." We must ask the Lord to draw us, and then others will run after Him with us. To take Him as our life, we must love Him in such a way.

In Revelation 2 the degradation of the church began with the loss of the first love toward the Lord Jesus. The church in Ephesus had many good works and was even strong in faith, but the Lord rebuked her by saying, "I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love." They had lost the fresh and best love toward the Lord. This started the degradation of the churches. When we lose our love for the Lord, we start to backslide. We must go to the Lord and make a deal with Him: "Lord, be merciful to me! I do not need anything or anyone else but Your loving Self. Simply show me Yourself! Draw me that we may run after You. O Lord, show me Your love that I might be constrained by Your love! I do not want to do anything for You, Lord. I just want to love You. I just want to take You as my Person. I want Your personality as my personality, Your will as my will, Your desires as my desires. I want Your everything as my everything."

Thus, we see that it is not simply a matter of believing, but also a matter of loving. We must learn to love the Lord Jesus. If we would have such a burning love toward the Lord Jesus, we will enjoy all that He is. Therefore, I do not encourage you to seek anything else. Go to the Lord and ask Him to draw you that you may run after Him. You must realize that the "zoe-life" is such a loving, wonderful Person and that love is the way to deal with Him.
