There's a gospel of today

There's a gospel of today
That says believe and you'll be saved and then
You can go to heaven and see the pearly gates
And walk the golden streets;
Words like these fail to treat
All the vanity that is hidden in me.
But the gospel is to me
The Triune God within humanity
As the Spirit reaching me to be in me
The one reality;
Love untold—Gospel theme
Never getting old—story told eternally.
Left the ninety-nine behind—
You searched until the lost sheep You did find,
Laid me on Your shoulders there, You bore me in
Your tender loving care;
Rejoicing—You found me
Though a small lost sheep—You gave all to come find me.
Sweeping in my deepest parts,
You lit a lamp and searched my inward heart,
Sanctifying deep within You shined in me,
Exposed me of my sin;
Repenting—now I see
Lord, You're sprinkling me—with the blood You shed for me.
Eagerly awaiting me
That I the slightest turn to Thee would make
Though my life had been a wreck, You ran to me
And fell upon my neck
Kissing me, affectionately;
Killed the calf for me—"Let us eat and be merry."
Andrew Tijerina

Austin, Texas, United States

Lord Jesus treat the vanity hidden within us! Sweep within our deepest parts!

Samuel Yu

Austin, TX, United States

Thank You Lord for leaving the 99 behind to come find me.

Tim Ou

Austin, Texas, United States

Repenting—now I see.

Ambrose Awuah

Tema, Community 4, Ghana

Oh Lord You are our all, Search us Lord. Kissing You affectionately

Jadan Monteverde

Thank You Lord Jesus for the gospel!

Samuel Chen

Praise the Lord!!

Nelson Liu

Irvine, CA, United States

Thank You Lord You searched, swept, and waited for us!

Никоиай Босякан

Fullugah, Urban, Armenia


Olivia Seong

Anaheim, California, United States

For the 6 grade conference (2017) we were all encouraged to pick songs we wanted to sing. This was definitely a favorite, and was sung over and over, in the meeting, in the cabins, and in the dining room. It inspired many 6 graders to share openly in the meetings, including me and my friends. It has now become a favorite of many!!!

Leon Dean

Urbana, IL, United States

The Triune God in humanity as the Spirit reaching me! Wow, what a gospel!