Fighting the Good Fight, Finishing the Course, Keeping the Faith, and Loving the Lord's Appearing in Order to Receive the Reward of Christ as the Crown of Righteousness

As revealed in Two Timothy 4:7,
A proper Christian life is threefold;
It involves fighting the good fight,
  fighting the good fight,
Running and finishing the course,
And keeping the faith.
Running and finishing the course,
And keeping the faith.
In the New Testament, faith is both
Objective and subjective;
The objective faith refers to the things
In which we believe,
And the subjective faith
Has to do with our action of believing.
The subjective faith
Has to do with our action of believing.
In order for us to enjoy Christ
As our kingdom reward,
We must love the Lord's appearing,
Which is His appearing
And manifestation to us today
And His presence with His people at
His second coming,
And His presence with His people at
His second coming,
By staying on the constricted way,
  constricted way
Of being watchful in life and
Faithful in service,
By staying on the constricted way,
  constricted way
Of being watchful in life and
Faithful in service
To be constituted as the bride of Christ.
When the Lord comes again,
Faith will be turned to facts,
And praise will replace prayer.
Love will consummate in
A shadowless perfection,
And we will serve Him in
The sinless domain.
What a day that will be!
Lord Jesus, come quickly!
And we will serve Him in
The sinless domain.
What a day that will be!
Lord Jesus, come quickly!

2024 International Chinese-speaking Conference Key Statements