Before you get the answer, you get the Answer;
Before you get the things you ask for, you get the One;
Before you get the object, you get the Person;
Before you get the answer, you get the Lord.
Before you get the things you ask for, you get the One;
Before you get the object, you get the Person;
Before you get the answer, you get the Lord.
Cast all your anxiety with Him.
Give them, commit them, throw them once for all.
Throw your whole life with all its cares on Him
Because it matters to Him concerning you.
Give them, commit them, throw them once for all.
Throw your whole life with all its cares on Him
Because it matters to Him concerning you.
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Quezon City, Philippines
We should have this song in our hearts. This tells us how to live in God's kingdom, always full of JOY. Not being anxious about anything. The song tells us how blessed we are for having a loving Father who knows and provides all our needs, even before we ask. Praise the Lord, we don't just have the gift, much more we have the GIVER. We just need to trust HIM our future. HE IS OUR FUTURE. HE IS ALL OUR NEED AND MORE.
Newark, DE, United States
I received some devastating information about my future, and spent the night in prayer and searching. In the early morning, I found this website and this song. Despite my trials, I can rejoice for I know He loves me, and I will go on and walk with Him. I get the Lord! Hallelujah.
San Jose, CA, United States
i like this song very much because we can cast all our anxiety on him who is willing to take care of our whole life. before i get anything i get the Person first, the lovely lord. He never lead us astray, and always comforting our soul. He is sufficient for us to enjoy and take him in everyday and every seconds of our life. Lord is so lovely and care for us. father, your children likes you!
Nairobi, Kenya
This song is wonderful. The tune is blending and the words are comforting. Surely, we have and get the Lord before anything else and therefore we should jnow and have courage that we indeed have our needs supplied, all, our needs. amin.