Lord, keep my heart always true to You

Cs339 D6014 LB52 LSM99
Lord, keep my heart always true to You,
Never backsliding, always viewing You,
A heart that is pure that sees only You,
A heart that loves You and treasures only You.
Your love constrains me to give my all to You.
Lord, I can't help it; my heart is drawn to You.
Oh what a privilege! I give myself to You!
I love You, Lord, dearest Lord.
I love You! I just love You!
Lord, keep my love burning brightly for You,
A love never dwindling always hot for You,
A love, shining brighter all the way for You,
A love, so fresh like the day I first touched You.
Lord, take my life, I present it to You!
If I had a thousand, I'd pour all on You!
Nothing withholding, my all is for You.
My life and my future, dear Lord, is all for You.

Lord, keep my heart always true to You

Lord, keep my love burning brightly for You

Lord, take my life, I present to You

Hope Davis

Austin, Texas, United States

I love this song!!

Patrick Mendis

Nugegoda, Western, Sri Lanka

LORD keep my heart always true to YOU... always burning brightly for YOU..... always present it to you..

Yes LORD my life and my future,

Dear LORD, is all for YOU.

LORD I love you.

Cesar Sosa Perez

Callao, Peru

Lord Jesus I love You, thank You, oh what a privilege!! I give myself to You!!


Las Vegas, Nevada, United States

Amen! Lord, keep my love burning brightly for You.


San Diego, CA, United States

My life and my future, dear Lord, is all for You.

Sister Vali

Tirana, Albania

My life and my future, dear Lord, is all for You.


Tulsa, OK, United States

I give my 2019 year and many more years to You, Lord!

Christian Bullock

Palm Springs, CA, United States

Lord keep my heart always true to You.



In this new year, Lord continue to keep my heart always true to You! Oh what a privilege! Thank You Lord, may You preserve my heart for Your return.