Lord, keep my heart always true to You

Cs339 D6014 LB52 LSM99
Lord, keep my heart always true to You,
Never backsliding, always viewing You,
A heart that is pure that sees only You,
A heart that loves You and treasures only You.
Your love constrains me to give my all to You.
Lord, I can't help it; my heart is drawn to You.
Oh what a privilege! I give myself to You!
I love You, Lord, dearest Lord.
I love You! I just love You!
Lord, keep my love burning brightly for You,
A love never dwindling always hot for You,
A love, shining brighter all the way for You,
A love, so fresh like the day I first touched You.
Lord, take my life, I present it to You!
If I had a thousand, I'd pour all on You!
Nothing withholding, my all is for You.
My life and my future, dear Lord, is all for You.

San Juan, M.M., Philippines

Loving the Lord is the sweetest thing we can ever do in our entire life.

Kevin Chiang

Irving, TX, U.S.A.

This song is calm and peacful and allows me to concentrate on my work when I am frustrated or angry.

Benjamin Go

Bellevue, WA, U.S.A.

This song always brings me to prayer that the Lord will keep our hearts true and burning for Him. Lord, burn away any unhealthy desires, thoughts, and intentions in our hearts. Keep us from being carried away by the teaching of Balaam, the teaching of the Nicolaitans, and the teaching of Jezebel. Keep us all in the healthy teaching of the apostles. Let all our hearts be renewed to love you like the day we first met you.

Gonzalo & Eunice Garcia

New York, U.S.A.

Why I like this song. The heart is where the Lord wants to make His home (Eph. 3:17a), because the Lord is a Gentleman, everything depends on our cooperation. The heart is composed of three parts, the mind, emotion, will plus the conscience, which is the leading part of our spirit. How wonderful to know our God wants us to be His home for His corporate expression and also to subdue the earth and have dominion over it (Gen. 1:26-28). Oh how precious it is to have hymns like this to encourage us to love the Lord and cooperate with Him by His "constraining love"-I love You Lord, dearest Lord, I love You, I just love You! AMEN.

Herman Lim

Pontianak, Indonesia

Myself is fragile and my heart is easy to stick on many things. I like this this song because it expresses my prayer, Lord keep my heart. I need Him to keep my heart....

Carson W. Tan

Caloocan, Metro Manila, Philippines

Each time this hymn is played, my whole spirit lifts up to pray to my Lord and be one with Him. Many times, the world entices us and draw our attention. This hymn just reminds us to turn back and ask the Lord to keep our hearts single and absolute for Him.


Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

I love this hymn very much. Everytime I play this hymn, it makes me to just simply turn back to the Lord. A hymn so sweet, a reminder that my goal is Christ Himself. Day after day I feel the Lord is sweeter and dearer than He ever was before.

Simon Tay

Penang, Malaysia

To my surprise, I am listening to "Lord, keep my heart..." like for the first time on this site now. I was trying to search for hymns on loving the Lord to recommend to one of my colleagues. Yesterday, I shared with him concerning loving the Lord Jesus.

I must say that the timing of the hymn is perfect. I was immediately drawn to the Lord at the opening strains of this hymn. The flavour and emotion just flowed with the tempo, melody and words. This is one of those unforgettable hymns that have made an impact on my life.

Steward Ting Chek Khim


I learned this song three years ago, when I was in 1 month perfecting training.I love this song very much!

This hymn affect my living and draw me nearer and closer to my Beloved One - the LORD. I usually cried when I sang this song to my LORD. I feel sorry to Him for I've been not loyal and true to Him all the times. But I know.....He is always there with me.....and He still loves me as well.....LORD, I give my heart, myself, and everything to YOU!

Please gain me in this very age, oh LORD... keep my ...Heart..............

Priscilla Fan


A prayer of His beloved.