Zion is God's habitation.
Sing praises in Zion,
The city of our King.
Zion, the place of His choosing
Where saints are rejoicing.
Here God is their salvation.
Sing praises in Zion,
The city of our King.
Zion, the place of His choosing
Where saints are rejoicing.
Here God is their salvation.
Beautiful Zion,
In elevation,
The joy of our King,
His satisfaction,
The joy of the whole earth.
In elevation,
The joy of our King,
His satisfaction,
The joy of the whole earth.
Zion: how good and how pleasant,
The greatest enjoyment!
It's like the precious ointment.
Zion, how good and how pleasant,
In oneness we're dwelling.
The dew, oh how refreshing!
The greatest enjoyment!
It's like the precious ointment.
Zion, how good and how pleasant,
In oneness we're dwelling.
The dew, oh how refreshing!
Beautiful Zion, in elevation.
How good and how pleasant,
The best enjoyment!
Our oneness is just Him.
How good and how pleasant,
The best enjoyment!
Our oneness is just Him.
Zion: our oneness a Person,
As ointment, He's moving,
As dew He is descending,
Zion: our God is our dwelling,
As ointment, He's strengthening,
As dew, He's so supplying.
As ointment, He's moving,
As dew He is descending,
Zion: our God is our dwelling,
As ointment, He's strengthening,
As dew, He's so supplying.
Beautiful Zion, in elevation.
How good and how pleasant,
Man's satisfaction,
Our dwelling is this One.
How good and how pleasant,
Man's satisfaction,
Our dwelling is this One.
Zion: in God we're abiding,
Our oneness and living,
The processed God, our all.
Zion, the ultimate blessing,
Of God with man mingling,
The Triune God dispensing.
Our oneness and living,
The processed God, our all.
Zion, the ultimate blessing,
Of God with man mingling,
The Triune God dispensing.
Beautiful churches, the golden lampstands.
God mingling with man;
His satisfaction,
The ultimate consummation!
God mingling with man;
His satisfaction,
The ultimate consummation!
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Kampala, Uganda
Praise You Lord that as ointment You move to strengthen us, as dew You ever descend to refresh us and supply us, Amen.
Portland, Oregon, United States
I am told the root of this word ZION is zero. He emptied himself and became a beggar. Himself is the root, rhyme and reason for the season of grace, rest, plenty Heb.2:10. The tussle is between the serpent's root and the Royal Root of David. He is able to succour the ZEROES to the uttermost ! Halle....... So pass the keys boldly. Maranatha.
Tema, Greater Accra, Ghana
Zion, Zion, Zion. I can sing this song all day. Thank You Father for Howard Higashi.
Irvine, CA, United States
Lord, make Your habitation in us!
Vancouver, BC, Canada
What a beautiful hymn... Listening to the music and singing along by looking at the lyrics, I was moved to tears when I reached the last verse. Oh praise the Lord for His economy and thank You for inspiring Br. Howard Higashi to write this beautiful hymn. Oh the beauty of His churches, the golden lampstands!!
Mandaluyong City, Philippines
Our destiny and future is Zion. Our goal is Mt. Zion. Forgive me Lord, these tears are only for You, not merely on the emotion that I am feeling right now. Lord Jesus be gracious to us. I want to set my eyes looking always to Your habitation. Lord we pray that Your kingdom will be done on this earth. Zion. Praise the Lord Jesus. These tears are for You Lord Jesus. my Lord and my God! Hallelujah!
Houma, Louisiana, United States
This hymn became more real to me after I had read Psalm 131. I really love this hymn.
Naga City, Camarines Sur, Philippines
This song reminds me of how beautiful the Lord is: Christ as the Head, and the church as His Body. This Zion is our enjoyment of the Lord, not only for the coming age, but at the present-a foretaste. We need to be always mingled, one with Him, abiding in Him. Lord Jesus, we need to be always found in You. Lord, we can do nothing without You. Give us Yourself more and more to be able to love You with Yourself to the uttermost. Amen. Praise the Lord!!!
Spokaneq, WA, United States
Praise God! The Lord is preparing His virgins. Let us pray for each other to be ready to be gathered in at the great and final harvest. God is so holy and so wonderful! Brothers and sisters, we are going home soon!
Baguio, Philippines
This is the ultimate desire of the Lord.