Lord, how long

Lord, how long, dear Bridegroom,
'Til You come, Lord, how soon?
Don't delay for that coming day, coming day.
Grant me, Lord, to be filled
With You, Lord, every day.
Dearest Lord, take me all the way.
  Come, Lord Jesus,
Please come, dear Bridegroom;
Precious One, come soon, come soon.
Lord, consume me!
Oh Lord, don't let me stray,
Faithful to You all the way.
Lord, make home in all my heart
In my secret, deepest parts,
Hidden, Lord, and reserved for You, for You.
You would be preeminent
In all things and all events,
Possessed by Thee to this extent.
In my prayer and deepest plea
In my spirit always be
Saturated and soaked with Thee, with Thee.
This would be my life daily.
Every hour expecting Thee,
This I pray, Lord, desperately!
The universe, in it we see,
In the sweetest touch of Thee,
You're my choice and my destiny, destiny.
Lord, whate'er the price may be,
Lord, Amen, let it be!
Oh, my Love, please come back quickly!
In Your love I am constrained.
What's within, I can't contain.
Lord, I can't any more restrain, restrain.
In Your love, I'll pour on Thee.
And the church, Your Bride to be,
This my choice voluntarily.


I confess my love to the Lord. I think it's easy to love the Lord. I also admit that I don't have the desperate prayer to be watchful for our dear Bridegoom's return. This song reassures me that I need not be reluctant to let the Lord come in to the rooms deep within me that needs cleaning. Tonight I am touched by the Lord's dear trusting presence. He is ever gentle and caring...loving us with His very Being. Like a child, I really can only trust HIM. Even if I try, He knows that only He is able!! So now I pray, "Lord, have all the ground to accomplish your work in me. Come even into all the rooms that I do not know are even there! Lord I love You! And come Lord Jesus!



I fear that I am not yet prepared for the Lord to come back again. Yet I can no longer grieve the Lord but hope for His return. Now the Lord's interest & desire is all I'm longing for. Saints let's all choose to pay the price for Him to be our destiny. That we may all hasten His coming and say "Amen. Come Lord Jesus."



This hymn is a nice hymn and it makes me turn to the Lord when I listen to it! O Lord Jesus, please come to my heart. Make home in all my heart. Amen!

Eunice Garcia

New York, U.S.A.

O Lord Jesus! Recently I have been so stirred up for the Lord's second coming, in fact nothing really seemed to matter but our Lord's return. (Of course we still have to "brush our teeth")

Going to the summer video training on I & II Thess. and Song of Songs, serving for the summer school of truth, and my daily bible reading has impressed with the this matter of the Lord coming again a second time. In fact my prayer and my aim is to live in light of the Lord's coming. Oh dear Saint's, we really have to check ourselves. Remember why we are here and what God has called us into. "But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people acquired for a possesion, so that you may tell out the virtues of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light (I Peter 2:9."

Even though our God is Almighty, He has limited Himself to us. Oh saints, let's give ourselves to Him out of love for His purpose. When I say this, I speak to myself too. So let's be encouraged. May we be the generation to bring Him back! "Come Lord Jesus, Please come dear Bridegroom....."

Rene Vreeken

Adelaide/Metcalfe, ON, Canada

As I grew up, church matters were only for Sunday. God and the church were not to be discussed throughout the week. However, after entering into the Lord's recovery, I came to realize that Christ is with us everyday!

The first time I heard and sang this song, my spirit cried out in the questions and calling of this song: Come Lord Jesus! Oh how my spirit yearns for the Lord's return!

We have to realize that for the Lord to return, He must have His purpose completed here on earth, and we have to be those who cooperate with Him in this matter. This song gives me the initiative and the desire to go on in the Lord's recovery. I want to be one of His overcomers who will see this song come to completion!