Lord, I just love You

Lord, I just love You.
And there's no one like You.
In the whole universe
I have no other one like You.
Lord Jesus, I love You.

Tampa, Florida, United States

Lord how I just ♥️You

Esther Wilson

Cypress, CA, United States

Lord I just love You!

Brian Young

Seattle, WA, United States

Lord I love you


My best love song to the Lord.

Enid Adiegwu

Lagos, Nigeria

Lord, I love You.

There's no one like you.


San Francisco, California, United States

Lord, we just love You!


Milwaukee, WI, United States

Lord I just love You!

M. C.

Diamond Bar, California, United States

Lord Jesus, truly, there is no one like You. Lord I just love You. Thank you for first loving me, causing me to love You…

Nelson Liu

Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States

Lord Jesus, I still love You.


Eugene, Oregon, United States

God is so rich and sweet. He is so real to me by this song. Lord, I really love you!