O Lord Jesus, Thy redeemed ones

C775 CB976 E976 K775 LSM285 P495 R722 S455 T976
O Lord Jesus, Thy redeemed ones
  Are Thy Body and Thy Bride;
As Thy fulness, Thine expression,
  In her Thou art glorified.
Thou, her all in all forever,
  She Thy riches doth declare;
Thou dost fully saturate her
  And Thy glory with her share.
Lo, the holy city,
Full of God's bright glory!
It is God's complete expression
  In humanity.
God with man completely blended,
  Mystery of godliness.
God in glory, full, resplendent,
  Man, His dwelling, doth express.
'Tis a vessel universal
  All God's fulness to express;
All His beauty manifesting,
  Mingled with His holiness.
'Tis a living composition
  Of the saints He hath transformed;
As the pearls and stones most precious,
  To His image they're conformed:
From the throne of God, its center,
  Flows the living water free;
Christ the tree of life doth flourish,
  Bearing fruit abundantly.
'Tis th' eternal golden lampstand,
  Holding Christ, the lamp of light;
God in Christ the light of glory
  As the Spirit shineth bright!
'Tis the ultimate expression—
  Man in God and God in man;
'Tis their mutual habitation,
  Goal of God's eternal plan.

Copyright Living Stream Ministry. Used by permission.


‘Tis a vessel universal

All God’s fullness to express;

All His beauty manifesting,

Mingled with His holiness


Tema, Ghana

Col. 1:9 says "God is faithful through whom you (we) were called into the fellowship of His Son Jesus Christ our Lord". I enjoyed that in this fellowship all that Christ is becomes ours to enjoy and He enjoys all that we are in Him (HWMR - Living under the unique Headship of Christ and in the Unique Divine Fellowship, week 7). In the first stanza of this hymn, this mutual enjoyment issues in the building up of the Body of Christ to consummate in the Holy City, The New Jerusalem, the Bride of Christ, the desire of God's Heart. Amen, Praise the Lord Jesus. Amen.

Lord Jesus, Thy redeemed ones

Are Thy Body and Thy Bride;

As Thy fulness, Thine expression,

In her Thou art glorified.

Thou, her all in all forever,

She Thy riches doth declare;

Thou dost fully saturate her

And Thy glory with her share.

May the Lord have mercy on us His redeemed ones to keep us in this reality that He is our all in all forever. Amen. Oh Lord Jesus, Amen.

The apostle Paul said that we are God's farm to grow Christ and God's building (1 Cor. 3:9). As we grow in the divine life, we are transformed into precious material for God's building: gold, silver, and precious stones (v. 12). The New Jerusalem is constituted with transformed precious material: gold as the base, pearls as the gates, and precious stones for the city's wall. If we build up the church with ourselves, with the world, or with earthly things, we are building with wood, grass, and stubble, which are fit only to be burned (vv. 12b-13). But if we build the church with the Triune God—the Father as the gold, the Son as the pearl or silver, and the Spirit as the precious stone—our building work will be a part of the New Jerusalem. In other words, our work will go into eternal life. The New Jerusalem as the totality of the eternal life is God's goal. The chorus of Hymns, #976, a hymn concerning the New Jerusalem, says, "Lo, the holy city,/Full of God's bright glory!/It is God's complete expression/In humanity." Christ has become the sevenfold intensified Spirit to intensify His organic salvation and to produce the overcomers for the consummating of the New Jerusalem.

When we all get there in the new heaven and the new earth as the New Jerusalem, we will be in ecstasy. We will be crazy to the uttermost! The New Jerusalem is much better than a physical, heavenly mansion. It is the full mingling of the Triune God with His redeemed, regenerated, and transformed people. The mingling of God with man can be seen in typology in Leviticus 2:4 with the meal offering, composed of fine flour mingled with oil. The entire New Jerusalem will be the fine flour mingled with the oil. The chorus of Hymns, #976 says that the holy city is God's complete expression in humanity. Humanity is the fine flour and God is the oil. The coming New Jerusalem will be a great meal offering, a big cake, made of fine flour mingled with oil. The Triune God is being mingled with us today and this mingling will consummate in the New Jerusalem.

Piano Hymns