Conflict today is fierce

C641* CB893 E893 G893 K641* R644 S402
Conflict today is fierce,
  The strength of Satan more;
The cry of battle calling now
  Is louder than before.
  The rebel voice of hell
  E'en stronger now becomes;
But list, the midnight cry resounds,
  Behold, I quickly come!
Trials more bitter grow,
  The fighting doth enlarge;
Hell's forces rally all their pow'rs
  And gather for the charge.
  Yet while we wait and watch
  And feel the war severe,
We hear the joyful song ring out,
  Jesus, the Lord, is near!
'Tis harder at the end
  The word to testify,
For Satan fights with all his pow'r
  Our witness to defy.
  Much greater strength we need
  The foe to overcome;
How happy when the Lord we see
  And all our sighing's done!
Who then will forward go
  Strong in His mighty power?
Who then will firmly trust the Lord
  Until the vict'ry hour;
  Till with the conqu'rors blest,
  The triumph song's begun?
That man will then rejoice to hear,
  Behold, I quickly come!
Who then will choose God's best,
  And take the narrow track,
Though passing thru the wildest storms,
  Yet never turning back?
  Who now will dare press on,
  Enduring pain and fear?
All such will then rejoice to see
  Jesus, the Lord, is near!
Though deep the darkness be
  We still would onward go,
Till we the day of rapture greet
  And glory 'round shall glow.
  'Tis there we'll see the Lord,
  And Satan overcome;
The overcomers will rejoice,
  Jesus, the Lord, has come!

Copyright Living Stream Ministry. Used by permission.

Ross Yang

Vancouver, BC, Canada

Oh, Lord Jesus. We are numbered in your army for the spiritual war! Lord, we know that right now Your will cannot accomplish on the earth freely because You have so many hindrance. Praise the Lord, You have Your army on the earth who will fight for Your interest and bring your kingdom down! Praise the Lord, let us be strong in spirit and have a heart that desperate to be mature every day! Jesus my Lord!

Eric G. Lauron

Iligan, Philippines

Today we are in the warfare. To fight in this battle, we need not to advance but to withdraw in our mingled spirit. It is only in our mingled spirit that we can maintain the victory that Christ gained on the cross.

Praise the Lord !!!!!!!!

Esther Lee

Folsom, United States

I like this song because... it's challenging, but provides the motivation to meet it. It sets us ablaze, strengthens the inner man. It's a reminder not only to inoculate against laziness, but to anchor our sight on the prize. Praise the Lord for the message in this hymn. The tune is very suiting too, btw.

Isaiah Tor

Sydney, NSW, Australia

This hymn by Brother Watchman Nee, does not only give us the sense of urgency in spiritual warfare in the Body in the full expectation of the Lord's coming, but also how immediate, real and "onerous" this spiritual conflict is today. It is the Lord's coming in this hymn at the end of each verse, that lights a beacon of hope, that the end of all spiritual warfare in the Body is to bring in His coming, and is done in anticipation of His blessed return. Hence we have "the endurance of hope" not only that we would prevail in such warfare in the Lord, but also we fight unto that perfect light of day when the Lord returns, when so happy we will see Him as His Bride (which we are being prepared as in the midst of the fighting), when all our trials and sorrows in the present life, wrought by the devil, is done, to thus enter into His joy forevermore. Hence the message of this hymn is - "Overcome"!

Piano Hymns