O Lord, we have loved her fair beauty,
The house Thou hast chosen for Thee,
The courts where Thy gladness rejoiceth,
And where Thou delightest to be.
We love to be made the fair dwelling
Where God in His grace may abide;
We'd cast forth whatever may grieve Thee,
And welcome none other beside.
The house Thou hast chosen for Thee,
The courts where Thy gladness rejoiceth,
And where Thou delightest to be.
We love to be made the fair dwelling
Where God in His grace may abide;
We'd cast forth whatever may grieve Thee,
And welcome none other beside.
O blessed the grace that has made us
The home of the gladness of God,
The dwelling wherein Thou delightest,
The house Thou hast bought with Thy blood.
'Tis there that Thy joy overfloweth,
We feel it, we take of it there;
By all that Thou workest within us,
Thy temple is holy and fair.
The home of the gladness of God,
The dwelling wherein Thou delightest,
The house Thou hast bought with Thy blood.
'Tis there that Thy joy overfloweth,
We feel it, we take of it there;
By all that Thou workest within us,
Thy temple is holy and fair.
The secret of that inner chamber,
Thy place is of heavenly rest;
The stillness of thoughts that adore Thee,
The shrine that Thou lovest the best.
The temple where Christ hath His dwelling
The souls He hath ransomed, forgiv'n;
The temple where I have my dwelling,
Is Christ in the glory of heav'n.
Thy place is of heavenly rest;
The stillness of thoughts that adore Thee,
The shrine that Thou lovest the best.
The temple where Christ hath His dwelling
The souls He hath ransomed, forgiv'n;
The temple where I have my dwelling,
Is Christ in the glory of heav'n.
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Mansfield, Ohio, United States
It is important to note that R. Rolle wrote this sweet hymn in the esrly 1300’s.
beautiful sentiment and truth!!!
Mansfield, Ohio, United States
What a beautiful hymn about the church which is His body. I like the first verse where it says “We love to be made thy fair dwelling. Where God and his grace may abide; ”
The Old Testament has many verses that talk about the house of the Lord which is a shadow of the church. One example is In psalms 27 where David says “ One thing have I asked of the Lord that will I seek after: that I made dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life. ” The reality of this house is the church of the living God where we can be built into a corporate dwelling place in spirit. We all must pursue the Lord and ask, which is prayer, supplications and specifically petition, that we be built up as the church and dwell in her all the days of our life. What an aspiration! This is nothing less than the purpose of our life. this is why we are here.
Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija, United States
ilike this too much ,thank you Lord