Weary pilgrim on life's pathway (revised)

C495 CB697 E8495 G697 K495 R472 T697
Weary pilgrim on life's pathway—
  Struggling on beneath thy load—
Hear these words of consolation,
  "Cast thy burden on the Lord."
Cast thy burden on the Lord!
Cast thy burden on the Lord,
And He will strengthen thee,
  Sustain and comfort thee—
  Cast thy burden on the Lord.
Are thy tired feet unsteady?
  Does thy lamp no light afford?
Is thy cross too great and heavy?
  "Cast thy burden on the Lord."
Are the ties of friendship severed?
  Hushed the voices fondly heard?
Breaks thy heart with weight of anguish?
  "Cast thy burden on the Lord."
When we're lonely, weak, and helpless,
  Mind in turmoil, wild discord.
These result when we forget this:
  "Cast thy burden on the Lord."
Thee He'll comfort and establish;
  Strength abundant He'll afford,
Cause thy heart in peace to flourish:
  "Cast thy burden on the Lord."