I long for fellowship in spirit

B435 C611 CB847 E847 G847 K611 R576 S362 T847
I long for fellowship in spirit,
That mingled with the saints I'll be,
Long to be saved from independence
And to be built with saints in Thee.
I long for fellowship in spirit,
That opened shall my spirit be,
Long to be rescued from seclusion,
And with the saints to worship Thee.
I long for fellowship in spirit,
Long that my spirit forth may come,
Long to be saved from self-deception,
And every hindrance overcome.
I long for fellowship in spirit,
With saints in spirit thus to pray,
Long for deliv'rance from pretention,
Long for true fellowship today.
I long for fellowship in spirit,
Long thus to know authority;
Long for true fellowship in service,
Coordinated thus to be.
O Lord, fulfill our hearts deep longing,
Saints for such fellowship inspire,
That we may realize Thy building
And soon fulfill Thy heart's desire.

Copyright Living Stream Ministry. Used by permission.


Murfreesboro, Tennessee, United States

During COVID, many people around the world lacked and still lack the fellowship of other believers, causing them to lose hope and even causing some to end their own lives. What a wonderful and encouraging difference fellowship with our God and with other believers make. May we never take it for granted! Wonderful song!

Jorge Minjarêz

El Monte, CA, United States

1 Cor. 1:9 God is faithful, through whom you were called into the fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.

1 Cor. 15:45 ... the last Adam became a life-giving Spirit.

1 Cor. 6:17 But he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit.

Glory Jung

Anaheim, CA, United States

The Lord is THE fellowship and in the fellowship.



What a difference this kind of fellowship makes. I too have a longing for such fellowship. In Phil 1:8 Paul said: "For God is my witness how I long after you all in the inward parts of Christ Jesus." "... In longing after the saints, the apostle was one with Christ even in the bowels, the tender inward parts, of Christ. This indicates that for Paul to enjoy Christ meant that he was one with Christ's inward parts, in which he enjoyed Christ as the supply of grace." (Phil. 1:8 Footnote 1.)

Sue Ellen Cox

Conover, NC, United States

Such a sweet experience...to have sweet fellowship in likemindedness...calling on the Lord! So beautiful. It makes a huge difference to be a part of the Body of Christ and under its covering and authority. Praise the Lord!


Detroit, MI, United States

Don't forget authority! Authority issues from function in the Body and is God-ordained. We find our place in the Body, based on God-given function, and we strengthen the Body by being and functioning properly in the right place. In other words, we not only need the Body. The Body needs us. Please, Lord, guide us to our proper place and function in Your Body, and make our joy full. Amen.


United States

by the previous comments I'm reminded of the hymn: The love of God and the grace of Christ and fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all (from II Cor 13:14).


United States

I too long for fellowship in the love of God and the truth of the word of His Spirit. I am so tired of searching for a church. I am so tired of hearing bits and pieces of truth mingled with lies. Yet, I don't want to be lost in self-deception, pretension, independence (from God), or seclusion from the body of Christ. Only God can deliver me from this place of isolation.


Chicago, IL, United States

I appreciate the above comment. I have recently begun to actually experience some effects from the "spiritual cancer" of independence, seclusion, self-deception and pretension. May the Lord deliver us from such a predicament by bringing us into coordination and building! Nothing in the world compares to the coordination and building of the Body.

This hymn has six stanzas, and each stanza has a particular word. In the first stanza it would be good to highlight the word independence. The second stanza has the word seclusion, the third stanza has the word self-deception, and the fourth stanza has the word pretension. Independence, seclusion, self-deception, and pretension are four things we have to overcome. These are the elements of our spiritual cancer. Verses 5 and 6 are on the positive side. Verse 5 mentions coordination and verse 6 has the word building. After the four negative things are cut off, we have the positive things—coordination and building. We need to sing #847 with the release of the spirit. We should not sing in a dying way. We need to sing in a releasing way.

Piano Hymns