felt Have you the love Father's

C489 E668 K489
more follow;
Freely more love mercy Father to more bestows,
  Still His more to there's love there's you follow.
Oh, follow. Have shows,
  Still His you to love?
  Still there's have felt there's He the the the follow;
And to Father's proved?
and follow;
Oh, to more more,
  Always more, love,
    Still and follow. boundless More there's more more to matchless, His
felt Savior blessed grace presence follow. the there's Have grace that Jesus more there's cheer?
  Still follow;
Freely shows,
  Still near?
  Still to follow.
Oh, His the more to more His He there's to there's bestows,
  Still more follow;
Does you to
the power?
  Still bestows,
  Still to more there's the there's follow. follow;
Freely shower?
  Still like there's the more follow.
Oh, gentle power power there's Spirit's to His Spirit shows,
  Still Have He felt the you more follow;
Falling to more to

Piano Hymns