Someone's forsaking the Savior's way

C329 E8329
Someone's forsaking the Savior's way;
From the flock's safeguard he's gone astray.
In the world's fashion to lust and sway;
Lord, is it I? Lord, is it I?
Lord, is it I? This word pierces my heart;
Sharp as a knife; oh, how deep is the smart!
If someone would from Thy portion depart,
Lord, is it I? Lord, is it I?
Someone's rejecting the Lord today,
Taking the scheming one's wicked way,
Grieving the Spirit as he does stray;
Lord, is it I? Lord, is it I?
Someone's betraying the Savior's grace,
Mammon to serve in the Master's place,
Willingly sinking in sin so base;
Lord, is it I? Lord, is it I?
Someone's denying the Lord today,
Shaming the Savior in such a way,
Jesus, his Friend, he would sell, betray;
Lord, is it I? Lord, is it I?
Someone's ascending and caught away
Into Christ's presence to rest for aye,
A crown of life to receive that day;
Lord, is it I? Lord, is it I?
Richard Cushing

Brooklyn Center, Minnesota, United States

We are admonished many places in the Scriptures to take heed to ourselves! We need to be careful that we remain real lovers of Christ, as well as praying for, encouraging, and strengthening the saints around us. See Lk. 21:34; Acts 20:28, 30; Exo. 23:13; Deut. 4:23.