As pants the hart for cooling streams (revised)

C269 CB349 E8269 K269 T349
As pants the hart for cooling streams
  When heated in the chase,
So longs my soul, O God, for Thee,
  And Thy refreshing grace.
O living God, my God, for Thee
  My thirsty heart doth pine;
Oh, to draw nigh and thoroughly
  Enjoy Thyself divine!
My life, my strength, my dwelling place
  Thou art, O God, to me;
In Christ Thou art enjoyed as grace
  And fully gained by me.
Thy smile is my salvation blest;
  Now all my hope's in Thee;
Thy presence is my sole request—
  Oh, grace me bountif'lly!
I pant, as hart for cooling brook;
  Oh, grant Thyself, I plead;
To Thee alone, O Lord, I look,
  For Thou art all I need.