Spring up, well, with water (revised)

C201 CB250 E8201 G250 K201 P134 R191 S116 T250
Spring up, well, with water;
Dig Thou, Lord, completely;
Dig away all barriers
That Thy stream flow through me.
Christ, the Rock, is riven;
Living water's flowing;
But within my heart now
It is blocked from going.
I will dig by praying,
Dig the dirt entirely,
Thus release the Spirit,
Let the stream flow freely.
Pray, yet still more praying,
Dig, yet still more digging,
Till there's thorough digging
And effectual praying.
There's no need again that
Christ, the Rock, be riven,
But unto the digging
That I should be given.
He on me descending's
Just outpouring giving;
Only His indwelling's
Fount of life o'erflowing.
What I need most deeply
Is the Spirit's filling,
That the living water
From my heart be welling.
Dig till there is nothing
Left to block the passage;
Dig until the stream flows
With the living message.
Spring up, well, with water;
Dig Thou, Lord, completely;
Dig away all barriers
That Thy stream flow through me.

Copyright Living Stream Ministry. Used by permission.