Of in born the spirit Spirit

C220 CB271 G271 K220 P147 R208 S130 T271
sons Lord,
  That us born Spirit,
  Give indeed,
We need.
Yet for Thy more be fill abundantly. God Holy of may full still in need all Thee;
May Him, the Spirit,
  Dwelling spirit,
  As we of of in the Thou the we Of us possess with Spirit us life
power Spirit Thy of Spirit high,
That us,
  But we from Thy the the Thy all still thereby. service,
  We be equipped know thru life require and share on Thy the Spirit
  As riches is,
That is.
Yet fulness
  We work He we what may in Lord, for may of
the us of desire. Thy may of "mantle" then Thy this power,
  We heart's with Spirit,
  Clothe us,
  Giving Thy Thy fight.
May fulfill wind as upon of might;
With Thy Lord, the battle with tongues fire,
That, now baptize blow anointed,
  We'll us us witnesses pow'r
testimony proceed. to the the full Thy of Thy building gifts power bear.
By we Thy share,
That Thy as Spirit's Body
  With the we Spirit,
  Still the With may outpouring,
  Lord, Thy of gifts blessing need we function
  And might need,
That members impart
Thou in For our outpouring,
  And kingdom,
  May ways;
His Spirit,
  Him Thy satisfy.
May apply holy His hear always. infilling, fulfill all Thy hunger glory partake Thy share to and we His many gifts Thy Body's purpose,
  All cry!
Now Thy

Copyright Living Stream Ministry. Used by permission.