How good, how lovely the Lamb's new song

C189 E8189 P93
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How good, how lovely the Lamb's new song!
Praise ye the Lord! Praise ye the Lord!
This gospel fills us with joy lifelong.
Highest, most glorious Lord!
Christ came to earth man to redeem,
Forsaking glory, heav'n's esteem;
Such wondrous grace, before ne'er seen,
E'en fools find astonishing!
With heart and tongue let His praises soar!
Praise ye the Lord! Praise ye the Lord!
Song never heard from the days of yore.
Highest, most glorious Lord!
Hark! Sounds of singing from heaven's height!
Praise ye the Lord! Praise ye the Lord!
Jesus is love; He is also light.
Highest, most glorious Lord!
All in the world who weep, distressed,
Sinners who have no peace or rest,
Whoe'er you are, Christ's done the best;
Your debt has been fully paid!
Loudly we sing, for the judgment's passed.
Praise ye the Lord! Praise ye the Lord!
Risen with Christ, we're to Him joined fast.
Highest, most glorious Lord!
We're standing on the grave's far side,
Beyond the reach of death abide.
All foes have drowned in sea's strong tide;
In Christ we are justified!
Sing! Christ descends to take up His saints!
Praise ye the Lord! Praise ye the Lord!
His church matured, with no more restraints.
Highest, most glorious Lord!
Now we see Him whom long we've called,
Gain Him who's long our hearts enthralled,
Shout, sing for joy, no more forestalled;
Our future is Christ for aye!
This song we'll sound forth resoundingly.
Praise ye the Lord! Praise ye the Lord!
This subject sing out continually.
Highest, most glorious Lord!
Sing till our hearts leap joyfully,
Till all earth hears this melody,
Till new creation ceaselessly
This song sings eternally.