Christ is the Word and Spirit too

C590 CB815 E815 G815 K590 P371 R549 S347 T815
Christ is the Word and Spirit too,
  And as the Spirit in the Word;
And all the words He speaks to us
  Are life and spirit thus conferred.
The Holy Word we have without,
  The Holy Spirit is within;
The greatest gifts divine are these,
  That we may God enjoy therein.
The Word the Spirit doth express,
  The Spirit its reality;
They're but two aspects of one thing
  And should not separated be.
Whene'er the Spirit lights the Word
  The Word becometh life to us;
When Word from Spirit is divorced,
  'Tis empty mental stimulus.
When we the Word in spirit touch,
  As life the Spirit it becomes;
The Spirit, when expressed from us,
  As words of life to others comes.
Our spirit we must exercise
  To take the Word most inwardly,
And then to give the Spirit forth;
  The two as one with us should be.
Lord, may Thy Word in me become
  The Spirit as my life supply,
And may Thy Spirit in Thy Word
  My true expression be thereby.

Copyright Living Stream Ministry. Used by permission.

Daniel Nunoo

Accra, Ghana

Christ is the Spirit and the word too; As the Spirit in the word, all the words He speaks to us are Spirit and Life.


Lagos, Nigeria

God is so faithful to me I can't stop praising Him forever.

The Lord Jesus and the word of God are one. Furthermore, the Lord is the Spirit. The first line of Hymns, #815 says, "Christ is the Word and Spirit too." Christ, the Word, and the Spirit are three, yet these three are one. The Lord is in the Word, and He is the Spirit. Therefore, when we read the Bible, on the one hand, we are contacting black and white letters, and on the other hand, we are touching the Lord Jesus with our spirit. Eventually, the Lord, His word, and the Spirit are mingled with us. By enjoying the Lord in this way every morning, we are daily eating healthy food.

I am physically healthy mainly because of the breakfast that I eat. I also urge you to change your physical breakfast habits. You should eat more for breakfast. It is a pity that most young people wake up late in the morning and consider that eating something quickly is breakfast. People who eat in this way will ultimately have a dull mind, because their food is not healthy. Likewise, if you are willing to spend five minutes to pray and ten minutes to study the Word every morning, you will be fed every day, and you will be spiritually healthy. I hope you will daily take Christ as your life, read His word, receive Him, and be mingled with His Spirit.