My heart is hungry, my spirit doth thirst;
I come to Thee, Lord, to seek Thy supply;
All that I need is none other but Thee,
Thou canst my hunger and thirst satisfy.
Feed me, Lord Jesus, give me to drink,
Fill all my hunger, quench all my thirst;
Flood me with joy, be the strength of my life,
Fill all my hunger, quench all my thirst.
Thou art the food and the water of life,
Thou canst revive me, my spirit upbear;
I long to eat and to drink here of Thee,
Thyself enjoy through my reading and prayer.
Feed me, Lord Jesus, give me to drink,
Fill all my hunger, quench all my thirst;
Flood me with joy, be the strength of my life,
Fill all my hunger, quench all my thirst.
Thou art the Word with God's fulness in Thee,
Thou too the Spirit that God my life be;
Thee in the Word I enjoy as my food,
Thou as the Spirit art water to me.
Feed me, Lord Jesus, give me to drink,
Fill all my hunger, quench all my thirst;
Flood me with joy, be the strength of my life,
Fill all my hunger, quench all my thirst.
Thou from the heavens as food camest down,
Thou to be drink hast been smitten for me;
Thou as the food, my exhaustless supply,
Thou as the water, a stream unto me.
Feed me, Lord Jesus, give me to drink,
Fill all my hunger, quench all my thirst;
Flood me with joy, be the strength of my life,
Fill all my hunger, quench all my thirst.
Thou in the Word art the Spirit and life,
Thus by the Word I may feed upon Thee;
Thou dost as Spirit in my spirit live,
Thus I may drink in the spirit of Thee.
Feed me, Lord Jesus, give me to drink,
Fill all my hunger, quench all my thirst;
Flood me with joy, be the strength of my life,
Fill all my hunger, quench all my thirst.
Now to enjoy Thee I come to Thy Word,
On Thee to feed till my hunger is o'er.
Now in my spirit I turn unto Thee,
Of Thee to drink till I'm thirsty no more.
Feed me, Lord Jesus, give me to drink,
Fill all my hunger, quench all my thirst;
Flood me with joy, be the strength of my life,
Fill all my hunger, quench all my thirst.
Feeding and drinking, Lord Jesus, of Thee,
Feeding by reading, and drinking by prayer;
Reading and praying, I eat and I drink,
Praying and reading—Lord, Thou art my fare.
Feed me, Lord Jesus, give me to drink,
Fill all my hunger, quench all my thirst;
Flood me with joy, be the strength of my life,
Fill all my hunger, quench all my thirst.
Here, O my Lord, may I feast upon Thee;
Flood with Thy Spirit and fill by Thy Word;
May, Lord, Thou be such a feast unto me
As man hath never enjoyed nor e'er heard.
Feed me, Lord Jesus, give me to drink,
Fill all my hunger, quench all my thirst;
Flood me with joy, be the strength of my life,
Fill all my hunger, quench all my thirst.
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Lord, fill all my hunger, quench all my thirst!!!!
Donna, TX, United States
Oh Lord Jesus! Flood me with joy, be the strength of my life!
Fargo, ND, United Kingdom
Eating and drinking are the way we live, both humanly and spiritually. It's simple on the one hand and unsesrchably rich on the other. We never graduate from this. Feed me Lord Jesus. Give me to drink.
Anaheim, CA, United States
His word is soooooo delicious!
Irvine, CA, United States
Feed me, Lord Jesus! Give me to drink!
Nairobi, Nyandarua, Kenya
Very wonderful hymn because it is by eating Jesus Christ that we made one with Him.
Iligan, Lanao Del Norte, Philippines
Oh Lord Jesus! Feed me Lord Jesus, give me to drink...I hunger & thirst of You Oh Lord...
Sta Ana, Tlaxcala, Mexico
Oh Lord Jesus. My heart is hungry. Feed me Lord. I love You.
Ponce, PR, Puerto Rico
Flood with Thy spirit and fill by the word!
Belton, Texas, United States
I really enjoyed this last section:
"Here, O my Lord, may I feast upon Thee;
Flood with Thy Spirit and fill by Thy Word;
May, Lord, Thou be such a feast unto me
As man hath never enjoyed nor e’er heard."
The first command Jehovah gave to man was to "freely eat" in Genesis 2:16.
This means it must be important to eat!
Eat what?
"Your WORDS were found and I ATE them, And Your word became to me The gladness and joy of my heart, For I am called by Your name, O Jehovah, God of hosts." Jeremiah 15:16
The Lord Jesus, which is the Word, is good for food! (John 1:14)
In the New Testament the Lord Jesus also said in John 6:35
"Jesus said to them, I am the bread of life; he who comes to Me shall by no means hunger, and he who believes into Me shall by no means ever thirst."
He also said
"As the living Father has sent Me and I live because of the Father, so he who eats Me, he also shall live because of Me." John 6:57
Lastly in 1 Corinthians 12:13 we see that
"For also in one Spirit we were all baptized into one Body, whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free, and were all given to drink one Spirit."
Hallelujah! The same way we all have a physical need for food and water, the Lord Jesus came that we may eat and drink of Him to saturate and satisfy our entire being and more importantly our spirit!