We come forward, Abba, Father,
By Thy Son led to Thy throne;
Praise and worship to Thee offer,
Abba's lovingkindness own.
Thou art on the throne rejoicing,
Thine eternal plan is done:
Death and rising, lost ones finding—
We're Thy people in Thy Son.
By Thy Son led to Thy throne;
Praise and worship to Thee offer,
Abba's lovingkindness own.
Thou art on the throne rejoicing,
Thine eternal plan is done:
Death and rising, lost ones finding—
We're Thy people in Thy Son.
Bread and cup set on the table,
Which we all partake as one,
Clearly manifest in symbol
All the work of Thy dear Son.
On the cross, His body broken,
Made a new and living way;
We come forward, now 'tis open,
Gladly "Abba, Father" say.
Which we all partake as one,
Clearly manifest in symbol
All the work of Thy dear Son.
On the cross, His body broken,
Made a new and living way;
We come forward, now 'tis open,
Gladly "Abba, Father" say.
Precious blood has flowed out for us,
Sins, transgressions, cleared away;
Righteousness and anger toward us
No more claim on us can lay.
His blood stands before Thee ever;
Better things it does proclaim.
Thus He's silenced the accuser
And released us from self-blame.
Sins, transgressions, cleared away;
Righteousness and anger toward us
No more claim on us can lay.
His blood stands before Thee ever;
Better things it does proclaim.
Thus He's silenced the accuser
And released us from self-blame.
Lower than the angels' measure,
What is man, O God, to Thee?
That Thou visit, even treasure,
Reconciling him to Thee.
Only man receives forgiveness,
Not the angels who rebelled.
To Thee, Father, praise ne'er ceases
For Thy grace unparalleled.
What is man, O God, to Thee?
That Thou visit, even treasure,
Reconciling him to Thee.
Only man receives forgiveness,
Not the angels who rebelled.
To Thee, Father, praise ne'er ceases
For Thy grace unparalleled.
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Abba, Father, we approach Thee,
Led by Thy beloved Son,
Offer up our praise and worship,
Bask in Thy Paternal love.
Thou art on the throne rejoicing,
Thine eternal plan is done—
Through His death and resurrection
We’ve become Thy many sons
Belmopan City, Belize
What is man, O God, before Thee?
Lower than angelic hosts;
Yet Thou seekest to regain us
Lov’st us to the uttermost.
Only man gains Thy forgiveness,
(Not the angels who rebelled)
Praise Thee, Father, Praise unceasing
For Thy grace unparalleled. 💖
Markham, Ontario, Canada
Glory to Jesus who has put away sin. GOD IS HAPPY, GOD IS REJOICING!! Let us offer up the highest worship by joining in with the Father. Rejoicing, rejoice, rejoice and again I say rejoice...