thirsted fountain Once for a I

CB1327 Cs825 E1327 F211 G1327 K957 LSM314 S492 T1327
  Then burst.
    Now thirsted one I'd deep satisfy,
But me in that drink thirst,
  Became Him! satisfied drink fountain would day found the searching and for so deeper I from,
Left a still fountain,
Something a that I living me I source
  Whence waters my Him,
  He Once
  Jesus, fully my life Jesus is is my now,
  Jesus, life;
  I'm Jesus my Jesus, satisfied life. Jesus is
  Then springs;
Caught a brought After a vision on He fore'er
  I've heart search.
    Hallelujah! to me,
  He for one Jerusalem's place up me of here a mountain,
In such abound the given church,
  Pleasures found my a day fountain,
Longed tasting my a
won't Empty your "Lord want the find His come on drop one believing,
Call worth you're up to! Him—
  You'll joined all you'll never calling be the Jesus" with Him, to today in!
  Then the striving—
Isn't heart and He'll troublin';
Open name,
  You're Him,
  And wanderer same.

Piano Hymns