Praise God, from whom all blessings flow

B8 C5 CB8 D8 E8 G8 K5 P2 R5 S4 T8
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heav'nly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!
Praise God the Father who's the source;
Praise God the Son who is the course;
Praise God the Spirit who's the flow;
Praise God, our portion here below!
Angela H.

Almont, Michigan, United States

I grew up in church singing this along with the congregation at the beginning of church service. Every so often it runs through my head.


Rochdale, MA, United States

I heard this song while listening to an old episode "Wagon Train". Beautiful. Decided to learn all of the words.

Lee Welch

Johnston, IA, United States

I was inspired to look up the song today. Praise be to God our father.


Lagos, Nigeria

This is the second time my spirit leads me to this ancient hymn. The totality of me and mine shall praise God here and in eternity in Jesus Name.

My soul magnifies the Lord with this hymn.


Abuja, FCT, Nigeria

Great thanksgiving song. God is worhy of our prsise, from generation to generation.

Sandra Totten

Orlando, FL, United States

We sang this in a public elementary school in Fl in the 1950’s. It was sung everyday before lunch. It came to my mind this morning…after reading of Damar Hamlin’s recovery. PTL



It is a powerful thanksgiving song to God. I love it.


St. Louis, Missouri, United States

I woke up this morning praising God and this song of my childhood came to my mind... thank you for providing the words and accompaniment to vocalize my praise for our King!

Allan Kirk

Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada

I have no family besides my dear, long suffering wife and, until lately, my beloved old cat. When she died I was destroyed. When an older abandoned cat showed-up I threw my heart into making him my friend and we became close. A week ago he was very anxious to go out so out he went anf did not return. I feared the worst but desperately kept looking for him. I was inconsolable. It was a tipping point in a long string of troubles pushing me far from God. Then this morning at first light he returned. From the bottom of my heart sprang this verse, this Doxology from my early childhood, unheard for many years. Hallelujah! Emmanuel!


Swansea, United Kingdom

I was having my quiet time when this wordings just came to my heart. I remember it from my younger years as a Christian and googling it, it brought me some comfort, presence and light! Amen

Re-translation of stanza 1:

1. Praise Father, whence all blessings spring;

Praise Son, redemption finishing;

Praise Spirit, working to apply& mdash;

Praise God with voices lifted high.

Formerly, God was outside of man and had nothing to do with man; there was a great distance between God and man. However, the Triune God desires to transmit Himself into us. In order for the Triune God to fulfill this desire, God the Father is the source, God the Son is the course, and God the Spirit is the flow (2 Cor. 13:14). This thought is expressed in the second stanza of a hymn in our hymnal: "Praise God the Father who's the source; / Praise God the Son who is the course; / Praise God the Spirit who's the flow; / Praise God, our portion here below!" (Hymns, #8). The Spirit is revealed as the flow of the Trinity in Revelation 22:1. This verse says that the river of water of life, a symbol of the Spirit, proceeds out of the throne of God and of the Lamb in the middle of the street (cf. John 7:37-39). This indicates that the Spirit as the river of water of life flows and that this river has not only a source from which it flows but also a course, a way in which the source flows. In Revelation 22:1 the Triune God, the Divine Being, is portrayed as living water in three aspects: the source, the course, and the flow. God the Father is the source of the river of water of life, God the Son is the course of this river, and God the Spirit is the flow of the river. In the New Jerusalem the river of water of life spirals down from the throne in the middle of the golden street to water the whole city. This is a picture of the transmission of the Triune God as living water into the believers. When the Spirit as the flow comes to reach us, the entire Triune God is transmitted into us.

Piano Hymns