Praise God, from whom all blessings flow

B8 C5 CB8 D8 E8 G8 K5 P2 R5 S4 T8
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heav'nly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!
Praise God the Father who's the source;
Praise God the Son who is the course;
Praise God the Spirit who's the flow;
Praise God, our portion here below!
Harold Willett

Nanjemoy, MD, United States

Through the years when I went to church I always find words to change in the songs. Even Rock and roll songs country etc I've always been able to give then words. I believe it's a gift I've been given but I've never done anything with it. Like praise God from whom all blessings flow praise Him from this church here below. Any ideas on how I can put this gift into action? I cannot sing or write music for that matter but I can find the words each and every single time. I can hear it all in my mind as well and its always been extremely frustrating. Anyway any suggestions I'd appreciate. Thank you.


Bronx, NY, United States

The Unitarian Church sings this:

From all that dwell below the skies

Let faith and hope with love arise

Let beauty, truth, and good be sung

Through every land by every tongue


Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

I just learned this song this past Friday at the Good Friday service. I couldn't stop singing it. I Googled the song to find the words and came to this page. I didn't find the chorus though. Please help.

Sheryl Adesuwa Aguda

Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria

I just love the song, it's meaning and how it makes me want to love this Great and Mercyful God more and more. This song easily put me in the mood of prayer and come to God with a heart of thanksgiving. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!!!

Latonya Pender

Norfolk, Virginia, United States

I remember singing this song every Sunday as a child. It's a BEAUTIFUL BENEDICTION!! TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!


Dallas, TX, United States

This lovely benediction has been used at my church-house since I was little... I love it.. On Christmas Eve this year, and during Midnight Mass no less....... Another lost soul came home... Father officially opened the doors wide so, that we BOTH saw it. I'm so proud of him and happy The Good Lord Blessed Him with the light of truth and peace and sanctity and peace... AMEN to you all. and Praise Be To God In The Highest!!! * Bows respectfully three times *


Athens, TN, United States

My mother's family sang the first verse of this as a prayer before every meal when we got the family together for holidays. My father would play the piano. It has been decades since I sang this, and wanted to sing it to my newborn son as a prayer when he was in the hospital for his first 10 days (he was born 5 weeks early). I just couldn't remember all the lines. Thank you so much for posting this family tradition so I can revive it and pass it to my son!

France's Queen Walton

Washington DC, United States

I just want to say tomorrow I go to find out what was the results of my cancer test was. May I tell you now I am just find trust GOD and it always works out just find no matter what the test may say this is meant for young or old GOD always remember this Heaven Rules.

Luigi Grimaldi

Springwater, Ontario, Canada

This was written as the Ottoman Turks were invading Central Europe. I see this prayer as a confirmation of total faith in The Trinity, that would later come to fruition in victory.

Steven Miller

Detroit, Michigan, United States

On March 14, 1744, Charles Wesley was preaching in an old upper room in Leed, Yorkshire, England. He recorded in his diary: "The floor gave way. I lost my senses for a moment, but recovered, and was filled with power from above. I cried out: 'Fear not, the Lord is with us, and we are all safe!' Then I began singing, 'Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow.' I lifted up the fallen as fast as I could. Several were hurt, but none were killed." It was one of the most serious accidents of Charles Wesley's life. He escaped with a bruised hand and some skin rubbed off his head.

John Wesley gives this touching incident in his Journal for March 19, 1769. Elizabeth Oldham, the wife of one of his preachers, told him this incident at Chester. In her mother's last moments she said, "Call my son to see me die." He asked, "have you any fear of death?" She replied, "Oh, no, that is gone long since. Perfect love casts out fear. Do you not see Him? There He is! Waiting to receive my soul!" Then she sang with a clear voice, 'Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow.' She ended her song and her last breath together.

Bishop Ken died at the age of 74, March 17, 1711. He had asked that his body be carried to its resting place by 6 of the poorest men in his parish. And so it was; each of the men receiving 10 shillings for the day, which was more than most of them received in a week of hard labor. - Hymn Stories by Wilbur Konkel

Re-translation of stanza 1:

1. Praise Father, whence all blessings spring;

Praise Son, redemption finishing;

Praise Spirit, working to apply& mdash;

Praise God with voices lifted high.

Formerly, God was outside of man and had nothing to do with man; there was a great distance between God and man. However, the Triune God desires to transmit Himself into us. In order for the Triune God to fulfill this desire, God the Father is the source, God the Son is the course, and God the Spirit is the flow (2 Cor. 13:14). This thought is expressed in the second stanza of a hymn in our hymnal: "Praise God the Father who's the source; / Praise God the Son who is the course; / Praise God the Spirit who's the flow; / Praise God, our portion here below!" (Hymns, #8). The Spirit is revealed as the flow of the Trinity in Revelation 22:1. This verse says that the river of water of life, a symbol of the Spirit, proceeds out of the throne of God and of the Lamb in the middle of the street (cf. John 7:37-39). This indicates that the Spirit as the river of water of life flows and that this river has not only a source from which it flows but also a course, a way in which the source flows. In Revelation 22:1 the Triune God, the Divine Being, is portrayed as living water in three aspects: the source, the course, and the flow. God the Father is the source of the river of water of life, God the Son is the course of this river, and God the Spirit is the flow of the river. In the New Jerusalem the river of water of life spirals down from the throne in the middle of the golden street to water the whole city. This is a picture of the transmission of the Triune God as living water into the believers. When the Spirit as the flow comes to reach us, the entire Triune God is transmitted into us.

Piano Hymns