Revive Thy work, O Lord

B418 C576 CB797 E797 K576 R529 T797
Revive Thy work, O Lord!
  Now to Thy saints appear!
Oh, speak with power to every soul,
  And let Thy people hear!
Revive Thy work, O Lord!
  While here to Thee we bow;
Descend, O gracious Lord, descend!
  Oh, come, and bless us now!
Revive Thy work, O Lord!
  And every soul inspire;
Oh, kindle in each heart, we pray,
  The Pentecostal fire!
Revive Thy work, O Lord!
  Exalt Thy precious name!
And may Thy love in every heart
  Be kindled to a flame!
Revive Thy work, O Lord!
  And bless to all Thy Word!
And may its pure and sacred truth
  In living faith be heard!
Revive Thy work, O Lord!
  And make Thy servants bold;
Convict of sin and work once more
  As in the days of old.
Revive Thy work, O Lord!
  Give Pentecostal showers!
Be Thine the glory, Thine alone!
  The blessing, Lord, be ours!
Hepsiba Gifty

Kanya Kumari, Tamil Nadu, India

Amen Lord.... we are eagerly waiting for the latter rain You promised these last days.

Tamara De Hart

Oceanside, California, United States

Our being broken and living before the Lord, His being built within us, and the church being the expression of Christ’s Body cannot be faked. People can sense this immediately when they meet with us. Similarly, the condition of our locality cannot be faked. It is cold or hot, poor or rich, in the flesh or in Christ. As soon as people touch us, they will touch the inward reality. Nothing is as real as spiritual matters; they cannot be faked at all.

Some people are in Christ, allowing Him to rule in them and to overflow out of them. They are persons who are broken, restricted, and ruled by the Holy Spirit. When we come into their midst, we are released and freed, regardless of how heavy a burden or how difficult a situation may be pressing upon us. As soon as we enter into a meeting with them, our entire being is released and freed. This is because there is freedom in the fullness of Christ. If the Son of God sets us free, we are free indeed. Of His fullness we have all received, and grace upon grace. If we live in Him and allow His fullness to be expressed, there will be something in us that sets others free.

Church as the Body of Christ, The, Chapter 11, Section 3

May the Lord have mercy on us, revive us, and make us persons who live not by ourselves but by another life which is the processed and consummated Triune God as the life-giving Spirit.

Piano Hymns