What a Friend we have in Jesus,
All our sins and griefs to bear!
What a privilege to carry
Everything to God in prayer!
O what peace we often forfeit,
O what needless pain we bear,
All because we do not carry
Everything to God in prayer!
All our sins and griefs to bear!
What a privilege to carry
Everything to God in prayer!
O what peace we often forfeit,
O what needless pain we bear,
All because we do not carry
Everything to God in prayer!
Have we trials and temptations?
Is there trouble anywhere?
We should never be discouraged,
Take it to the Lord in prayer.
Can we find a friend so faithful
Who will all our sorrows share?
Jesus knows our every weakness,
Take it to the Lord in prayer.
Is there trouble anywhere?
We should never be discouraged,
Take it to the Lord in prayer.
Can we find a friend so faithful
Who will all our sorrows share?
Jesus knows our every weakness,
Take it to the Lord in prayer.
Are we weak and heavy-laden,
Cumbered with a load of care?
Precious Savior, still our refuge—
Take it to the Lord in prayer;
Do thy friends despise, forsake thee?
Take it to the Lord in prayer;
In His arms He'll take and shield thee,
Thou wilt find a solace there.
Cumbered with a load of care?
Precious Savior, still our refuge—
Take it to the Lord in prayer;
Do thy friends despise, forsake thee?
Take it to the Lord in prayer;
In His arms He'll take and shield thee,
Thou wilt find a solace there.
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Ondo, ONDO Town, Nigeria
Glory to God Almighty, I have a father and a friend, his name is Jesus
Abuja, FCT, Nigeria
This song always lift up my spirit when am down
Irving, TX, United States
Oh how much Jesus, our best Friend, our Lord, and our Savior loves for us to talk to Him in child-like faith. We love You precious Jesus.
Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria
Glory to you Lord, YOU WHO ANSWERS PRAYER.
California, United States
What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer!
Lome, West Africa, Togo
This hymn was brought to mind again after about 40 years of hearing it first time on our last day of Cite du Pain Camp-meeting 2024.
It is hoped that the children that made decisions for Christ yesterday, will be nurtured in the way of righteousness.
In Jesus’s name - Amen 🙏🏽
Fremont, California, United States
Only a friend knows the heart of a friend. We all need to get into that close relationship with Christ. Enjoying Christ is the key ! We just need to call on His name and He will be fully available!
Praisecthe Lord!
Hag.town, MD, United States
O wat a friend (iam happy, loved an saved : )
Bolgatanga, Upper East Region, Ghana
Glory to God, in the highest. Indeed, what a friend we have in Jesus. He has done great and might things for me. Today is my 67th birthday. It has been a long road through which God has kept me through the rough and tumble of life and taught many lessons. In return for His love and mercy, I shall continue to live for Him, for I belong to Him. Lord, lead, guide and show me the way, for "you guide my steps along righteous paths for your names sake". I thank you.
Lagos, Nigeria
Thank you Holy Spirit for leading me to this song this morning. As always, it has eased the heaviness in my heart.