Teach us to pray

C554 CB767 E767 F139 G767 K554 P352 R514 T767
Teach us to pray that we may cause
  The enemy to flee,
That we his evil pow'r may bind,
  His prisoners to free.
Teach us to pray and firmly stand
  Upon the battleground,
To fight and break the stronghold down,
  The enemy confound.
Teach us to pray and use Thy rod
  In strong, prevailing prayer,
Beneath Thy blood to shake the earth
  And powers of the air.
By prayer and faith, O may we learn
  To labor, Lord, with Thee,
To know the victory is ours
  And Thine authority.

Copyright Living Stream Ministry. Used by permission.

Maria L

Fremont, California, United States

Our Lord Jesus Christ is the Son of David, the King, and we are one with Him. He has given us the authority to bind and loose. Hallelujah 😀


Lubbock, Texas, United States

Oh Lord, teach us to pray!

Riselda Gasler

Lakewood, California, United States

Teach us to pray and firmly stand

Upon the battle ground,

To fight and break the stronghold down,

The enemy confound,

Brother Cord

San Marcos, TX, United States

Lord, teach us to pray! I appreciate how sweet the Lord is cause us to be new and fresh with Him. Even as the disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray in Matthew 6, we should maintain a learning spirit even today in our prayer. Praise Jesus as our Overcoming One, the One who is leading us, guiding us, and causing us to pray His prayers.

Piano Hymns