Life eternal brings us

C533 CB737 E737 G737 K533 P340 R494 S309
Life eternal brings us
Fellowship of life,
Fellowship in Spirit,
Saving us from strife.
Life eternal gives us
Fellowship divine;
Thus the Lord as Spirit
May with us combine.
It is life in Spirit
Brings this fellowship;
Fellowship in Spirit
Doth with grace equip.
We, by life's enabling,
Fellowship aright;
Fellowship in Spirit
Brings us into light.
By the outward cleansing,
Fellowship we keep;
Inwardly anointed,
Fellowship we reap.
Fellowship is deepened
Thru the cross of death;
Fellowship is lifted
By the Spirit's breath.
Fellowship will free us
From our sinful self;
Fellowship will bring us
Into God Himself.

Copyright Living Stream Ministry. Used by permission.

Wilfredo Vanova

San Juan, Puerto Rico, United States

Fellowship in spirit getting full of His Spirit.

This by pray reading the word, with a touch of hymns. The result then, will be walking by the Spirit. Then we can see the holy bride as a city, descending as a bridegroom Rev. 21:2


Hymn #737 in Hymns speaks of the fellowship of life and its relationship to the Spirit and the cross. Verses 1 and 6 of this hymn say:

1. Life eternal brings us

Fellowship of life,

Fellowship in Spirit,

Saving us from strife.

6. Fellowship is deepened

Thru the cross of death;

Fellowship is lifted

By the Spirit's breath.

We also need to see that our human spirit is related to the fellowship. With the divine fellowship of God's life, three things are involved: the Spirit of God, our human spirit, and the cross...

[Verse 6] says that our fellowship is deepened through the cross. Without the cross, our fellowship is superficial. The cross of death deepens our fellowship, and the Spirit's breath as the resurrection uplifts our fellowship. Fellowship frees us from our sinful self through the cross. Without the cross, there is no release, freedom, or liberty from the self. In the previous message, we pointed out that hymn #737 speaks of the divine fellowship and its relationship with the Spirit and the cross. Without the Spirit and the cross, we cannot have real fellowship.