God Hath Not Promised

B402 C526* CB720 E720 G720 K526 R483 T720
God hath not promised skies always blue,
Flower-strewn pathways all our lives through;
God hath not promised sun without rain,
Joy without sorrow, peace without pain.
But God hath promised strength for the day,
Rest for the labor, light for the way,
Grace for the trials, help from above,
  Unfailing sympathy, undying love.
God hath not promised we shall not know
Toil and temptation, trouble and woe;
He hath not told us we shall not bear
Many a burden, many a care.
God hath not promised smooth roads and wide,
Swift, easy travel, needing no guide;
Never a mountain, rocky and steep,
Never a river, turbid and deep.

Jamestown, New York, United States

I just finished writing an arrangement of this beautiful song for our brass trio to play on Mother's Day at church. Praying it is well received.

Leigh Powell

United Kingdom

God's promises are not limited to the material, temporal, but rather are primarily for the spiritual. All the promises of God are yea and amen in Christ Jesus, and it is in Him that the wonderful promise of Jonhn 3 verse 16 is made.

If a person repents of his/her sin (Mark 1 verse 15), and believes that the Lord Jesus took away their sin on the cross , died and rose again (Romans 10 verse 9, John 3 verse 16), then that person is born again of God's Holy Spirit into the family of God ( John 3 verse 3, Romans 8 verses 14 to 17). That person is then a born again Christian.



M Eades

Texas, United States

O, what a God we have! He is our sure supply to live the human life!

Michael Min

Irvine, CA, United States

Amen Lord! Thank You for Your grace!

Matthew and Jonathan

Irvine, CA, United States

God hath promised strength for the day, and light for the way.

Praise you Lord for Your unfailing sympathy, and undying love!

Nelson Liu

Irvine, CA, United States

Thank You Lord for Your Grace!

Me David Ayala

San Diego, CA, United States

I love this hymn!!!

Steve Miller

Detroit, MI, United States

Born in Vineland, NJ, Annie was orphaned before the age of 6 and adopted by a childless couple named Flint. In her teens, she developed arthritis and soon was unable to walk. When she could no longer play the piano, she turned to writing poetry. Eventually she could only type her poems with her knuckles. - Songs of the Spirit by Martin

Sarah Rariza

Napoli, Italy

Amen. What a wonderful song. Lord, thank You for Your promises. YOU just want us to live and walk by faith in YOU. When in times of troubles, trials, suffering, YOU are always there to comfort us...YOU promised strength for the day, rest from labor, light for the way, grace for trials, help from above. Oh Lord Jesus, we thank and praise YOU for your great LOVE.

As an elderly person, I have passed through a great many different experiences in human life. Many unpleasant things have happened to me. There is no such thing as a life without difficulties. As the line from a hymn says, "God hath not promised skies always blue" (Hymns, #720). But although I have passed through many situations of unhappiness and unpleasantness, I have been a happy person because I have the Lord Jesus. Even the demons can testify that I am happy in the Lord. I do not have the Lord Jesus merely in an objective way as the One in the heavens. My Christ is both in the heavens and also in me. Hallelujah, Christ lives in me, and I can breathe Him, drink of Him, and feast upon Him! Daily I enjoy the best breathing, drinking, and eating.

As fallen ones, we may have the fallen natural concept that if we fear God, serve Him, love Him, and follow Him, we will prosper in everything; the unhealthy will become healthy and the foolish will become wise. However, God has not promised this. Hymns, #720 was written by an experienced Christian. Verse 1 and the chorus say,


Many times, God has placed those who love Him into trials and sufferings that they may experience more of Him. When everything is calm and peaceful, we seldom think of enjoying God and know very little about experiencing the Lord. Only when we fall into sufferings can we be humbled to trust the Lord wholeheartedly, call on Him, and enjoy Him.