There is a name I love to hear

There is a name I love to hear,
  I love to sing its worth;
It sounds like music in mine ear,
  The sweetest name on earth.
Oh, how I love Jesus,
Oh, how I love Jesus,
Oh, how I love Jesus,
  Because He first loved me!
It tells me of a Savior's love,
  Who died to set me free;
It tells me of His precious blood,
  The sinner's perfect plea.
It tells me what my Father hath,
  In store for every day,
And though I tread a darksome path,
  Yields sunshine all the way.
It tells of One whose loving heart
  Can feel my deepest woe,
Who in each sorrow bears a part
  That none can bear below.
Stanton Rata

Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand

Lord Jesus I love You, thank You for Your precious blood, the sinners perfect plea. Mark 2:17- I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners


Racine, WI, United States

So impressed with whoever the piano player is for these hymns. You have made them come alive with wonderful complexity that moves me every time. Also very fond of how you did, "there is a fountain filled with blood." And many other classics. Would be very grateful if someone could tell me the musicians name who recorded these songs. Thanks. And God bless you.

Charity Silumesi

Wakefield, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

This came into my spirit at 01:40 after praying in the Holy Spirit these words where in my spirit singing.

There is the Name is Love to Hear

It made me to start thinking what will make me. Just hearing the name Jesus exciting. I look at the stories of Jesus in the Bible. wherever Jesus went if there was a problem Jesus did fix it. If there was sickness Jesus healed if there was no food Miracles food happened. If was death Jesus spoke life. The mad man he gained back his mind. Jesus was solution that when people heard that Jesus was passing by the wanted to be there. I'm so Blessed by this song and pray that Jesus will be in me as He in the Bible. Amen.


Montgomery, Alabama, United States

It tells us of a Savior's love who died to set us free. Jesus wants us to be free from our sin and GOD IS With us each and every day even in hard times and uncertainty. He is our good shepherd that laid down His life for the sheep. May everyone have a beautiful and blessed fall season.


Eldoret, Uasin Gishu, Kenya

Wonderful name, so sweet, so faithful is Jesus...


So many beautiful memories when I hear this song a beautiful praise to our Lord Jesus brings a tear to my eyes

Maambo Muyati

Lusaka, Zambia

Just woke up this morning filled with memories of how God sent His only Son to save us from eternal death. His name is surely tells what our God has in store for His obedient children.

This suffering is but for a while, let's hold and trust in the Name, the name that all that have breath need to hear.

Gelor Agberhia

Port Harcourt, Nigeria

Thanks to those for work hard to put this hymn and many others on this site to bless the people of God. May God and Father of our Lord Jesus continue to multiply His grace upon you all. Amen. Keep up this good work.

Milea Anne King

Buckeye, AZ, United States

I woke up this morning to with this song in my head thinking of my family who is with Him in heaven. I love so many of the old songs since I was raised with all of then. Thank you for letting me find so many on here. Love, Milea.

Olatokunbo Hephzibah

Lagos, Nigeria

I woke up with this great hymn. it floods my innermost with peace. 1 John 4; 2 John 6

Piano Hymns