I've seen the lightning flashing

I've seen the lightning flashing,
  And heard the thunder roll;
I've felt sin's breakers dashing,
  Trying to conquer my soul;
I've heard the voice of Jesus,
  Telling me still to fight on;
He promised never to leave me,
  Never to leave me alone.
No, never alone,
  No, never alone,
He promised never to leave me,
  Never to leave me alone;
No, never alone,
  No, never alone,
He promised never to leave me,
    Never to leave me alone.
The world's fierce winds are blowing,
  Temptations are sharp and keen;
I feel a peace in knowing
  My Savior stands between;
He stands to shield me from danger,
  When earthly friends are gone,
He promised never to leave me,
  Never to leave me alone.
When in affliction's valley,
  I'm treading the road of care,
My Savior helps me to carry
  My cross when heavy to bear;
My feet entangled with briars,
  Ready to cast me down;
My Savior whispered His promise,
  Never to leave me alone.
He died for me on the mountain,
  For me they pierced His side,
For me He opened that fountain,
  The crimson, cleansing tide;
For me He waiteth in glory,
  Seated upon His throne;
He promised never to leave me,
  Never to leave me alone.
Precious Jumbo

Wolverhampton, West Midlands, United Kingdom

The thunderous voice of the enemy oft times comes with heart breaking circumstances, but there's always that "STILL SMALL VOICE OF JESUS CHRIST" that makes me bounce back to the reality that I can never be defeated, because God has promised "NEVER TO LEAVE ME ALONE". Hmmm! Songs that never die!!!

Carol Spencer

Harrow, United Kingdom

Woke up this morning with the chorus of this song. No Never alone. He promise never to leave me alone.

Angella Fleming

May Pen, Clarendon, Jamaica

Greetings my brothers and sisters. A blessed "ASSURANCE"; He promised never to leave us. Let us all rest in this promise; knowing, that our Savior is not a man that, HE should lie. "NO NEVER ALONG".

Shalom. 💜

Robert Ewers

London, United Kingdom

No never alone, No never alone. YOU promised never to leave me, never to leave me alone ... Thank you Jesus

Joyce Drummond

London, United Kingdom

The scripture and there are a few, where God promised never to leave nor forsake us came to my mind this morning. In this current state of lockdown and isolation I was comforted by this reminder. Then I remembered the song. 'He promised never to leave me, never to leave me alone'. We can personalise this truth we are never alone. The Holy Spirit is always with us. I am blessed by this song too. Thank you Jesus.

Floyd Parris

Watford, England, United Kingdom

I found myself singing this song for some strange reason. The words are so powerful and heart felt. Truly He promised never to leave me never leave me alone.

This was one my mother’s favourite hymns singing it this morning brings back her face to my vision. Thank you Ludie Day Pickett

Geneva Carney

Wolverhampton, West Midlands, United Kingdom

This is a very old hymn, we use to sing it in the church I belonged to when I was very young. This morning while I was doing my devotion and came to mind so I decided to google it and sure enough I got the lyrics. What a blessing jus what I needed, so grateful. Blessings

Barbara A Folkes

Far Rockaway, New York, United States

During my husband sickness and death and I felt my spirit crushed loosing my husband, king and best friend during the covid virus! I This song re:assures me that Jesus made a promise never to leave me alone and my faith renewed!!

Marie Carnegie


Such a wonderful song it cheers me up when I am going through my valley

Norman Kello

Williamsburg, Virginia, United States

i'm 78 and listen to this hymn since I was a little kid. adds strength every time.