Deep down into the depths of this Thy Name

C497 CB671 E671 G671 K497 P331 R473 T671
Deep down into the depths of this Thy Name,
My God, I sink and dwell in calm delight;
Thou art enough however long the day,
Thou art enough however dark the night.
Thou art my God—the All-Sufficient One,
Thou canst create for me whate'er I lack;
Thy mighty hand has strewn the lonely track
With miracles of love and tender care
For me Thy trusting one. My God I dare
Once more to fling myself upon Thy breast,
And there adore Thy ways in faith's deep rest,
And there adore Thy ways in faith's quiet rest.
Isaiah Tor

Sydney, NSW, Australia

The sweetness of this hymn lies not merely in the provision of the Lord for all our needs, but also that in so enjoying His provision and all-inclusive care we "sink", dwell deeply in the riches of His Person, His name. As we dwell in this All-sufficient One, He creates for us "whate'er" we lack, denoting to us that He is the God who call things not being as being. Such a provision is in our apprehension of Him as the God of resurrection, the One who is within us supplying all that we need both inwardly and outwardly. It is in such a sweet, available and intimate One, that we "fling", not only our cares, but ourselves upon His "breast", and there adore His ways in faith's deep rest!

Hymns, #671 is a hymn that I treasure greatly and sing often, for its content matches my experience throughout my life.