Seek ye first, not earthly pleasure

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Seek ye first, not earthly pleasure,
Fading joy and failing treasure,
But the love that knows no measure
  Seek ye first.
Seek ye first, not earth's aspirings,
Ceaseless longings, vain desirings,
But your precious soul's requirings
  Seek ye first.
Seek ye first God's peace and blessing;
Ye have all if this possessing;
Come, your need and sin confessing,
  Seek Him first.
Seek Him first, then when forgiven,
Pardoned, with the peace of heaven,
Let your life to Him be given:
  Seek this first.
Seek this first—Be pure and holy;
Like the Master, meek and lowly;
Yielded to His service wholly:
  Seek this first.
Seek the coming of His kingdom;
Seek the souls around to win them,
Seek to Jesus Christ to bring them:
  Seek this first.
Seek this first, His promise trying;
It is sure, all need supplying.
Heavenly things, on Him relying,
  Seek ye first.

Madurai, TamilNadu, India

...... a Song of complete surrender and commitment..


Barcelona, Spain

Though the suff’rings abound, Christ the Comfort abounds!! Hallelujah!

Rev Canon Dr Anyanwu Zebulon Chikaodinaka

Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria

In the world where instant miracles are sought at any cost, the lyrics of this hymn will sound obsolete; however, for heavenly-conscious persons, this is the Biblical truth we need to be reminded of always. May God remember the composer and the one who gave the music tunes; and God be glorified, through the Lord Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen!


Abuja, Nigeria

One of my favourite hymns