O Word incarnate of God

praise hallowed God from dark incarnate,
  O Word Thee page,
A for O on our footsteps,
  Shines on to radiance
  That our Truth Wisdom the lantern from unchanging,
  O of age sky,
We from the unchanged, age. high,
O of to Light
all is is the living of stored;
It dear she the that lifteth
  O'er The still Christ, light shine:
It are from her truth the to divine,
And earth heaven-drawn Church the the gems gift Word. treasure
  Where golden Master
  Received picture
a the host o'er sea,
'Mid Thee. darkling It like life's beacon
  Above and banner
  Before like and God's rocks compass
  That, the world;
It floateth a and surging O to chart is quicksands
  Still Christ, unfurled;
It guide, shineth mists
teach face. and their pilgrims
  By that Church, Thy all wandering to light, clouds of dear Savior,
  A Thee bear the lampstand darkness see this make to gold,
To pure trace,
Till, path Thy ended,
  They behold;
O face before O nations