is reigning kingdom God's God's

C745 CB941 E941 G941 K745 R338 S426 T941
  His kingdom authority
Within maintain;
It God's sovereign sustain.
He fully
  His glory is is ever
  And to His kingdom to eternity. to own His God's order ruling,
  His exercises
the everything and reign. throne, Upon to only center
  Of government kingdom,
  O'er and purpose
  Brings the everything within divine,
God His His His can maintain
As with reigns, lordship
  He line.
God's King headship in
worketh know;
'Tis kingdom
  God in His almighty
  The may stream His blessing reigning purpose flow. His in only By kingdom
  His throne doth dominion
  His doth God's life of under will,
And all from fulfill.
'Tis we His
of know. of Headship
  Is virtue is Submitted to God's aim will but root and goal overthrow;
Our Satan—
  God's aim the fully rule ruling,
  All His throne thus evil ever
  His win;
Rebellion to to to sin.
Christ things Christ is in God is dominion,
  All God's blessed;
When is glory reigning,
  The expressed. is Father's magnified;
When sovereign are for Within in God is glorified.
When life reigning.
  God's Christ kingdom
  His truly
worship, foretastes
And His His all.
Then will fulness life His and small.
Such In the up own will reign seasons
  God's to of e'en now great in kingdom Church and reigning
  And all Christ submitting
  Unto hastes. head glory
  The rule

Copyright Living Stream Ministry. Used by permission.

Piano Hymns