Take time to behold Him

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Take time to behold Him,
  Speak oft with Thy Lord,
Abide in Him always,
  And feed on His Word.
Wait thou in His presence,
  Submissive and meek,
Forgetting in nothing
  His blessing to seek.
Take time to behold Him,
  The world rushes on;
Spend much time in secret
  With Jesus alone.
By looking to Jesus
  Like Him thou shalt be;
Thy friends, in thy conduct,
  His likeness shall see.
Take time to behold Him,
  Let Him be thy guide;
And run not before Him
  Whatever betide;
In joy or in sorrow
  Still follow thy Lord,
And, looking to Jesus,
  Still trust in His Word.
Take time to behold Him,
  Be calm in thy soul,
Each thought and each temper
  Beneath His control.
Thus led by His Spirit
  To fountains of love,
Thou then shalt be fitted
  His mercy to prove.
Ezra Yeung

Kampala, Uganda

Amen! In joy or in sorrow, Still follow thy Lord, And, looking to Jesus, Still trust in His Word.

Maria L

Fremont, California, United States

In Col. 2:10  we have been made full in Christ, who is the Head of all rule and authority.

This can be our experience today in Christ and with Christ . We can testify that even though we go through difficulties and have problems, as we

take time to absorb the Lord with all His riches, we share in His ascension.

We transcend our situation and soar above all things.

Hallelujah! We are one with Him in His enthronement, and we are seated with Christ, far above all things.

Praise the Lord!!!

Mary Grace

Batangas City, Philippines

We can and should do a lot of things for the Lord that can be seen. As believers we must care for the church and minister Christ to people around us. But these activities must be based on a deep, hidden, unseen root system. - Basic Elements of Christian life Vol. 2

Therefore, we need to TAKE TIME to behold Him.

Frank P.

Irvine, CA, United States

Take time to absorb Him

Take time to be holy, take time to behold Him, take time to absorb Him as the riches of the good land in Whom we are rooted.

Ainsley Duhe

Montgomery Village, Maryland, United States

OH, LORD JESUS!! WE LOVE YOU! Bless each one of Your brothers with a heart to pursue You, behold You, know You, listen to You, live You and be fully consecrated to You! I love you saints! Amen.


Take time to behold Him,

Speak oft with Thy Lord,

Abide in Him always,

And feed on His Word.

Wait thou in His presence,

Submissive and meek,

Forgetting in nothing

His blessing to seek.

"And she had a sister called Mary, who also sat at the Lord’s feet and was listening to His word." - Luke 10:39


Take time to behold Him,

The world rushes on;

Spend much time in secret

With Jesus alone.

By looking to Jesus

Like Him thou shalt be;

Thy friends, in thy conduct,

His likeness shall see.

"But you, when you pray, enter into your private room, and shut your door and pray to your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will repay you." - Matthew 6:6


Take time to behold Him,

Let Him be thy guide;

And run not before Him

Whatever betide;

In joy or in sorrow

Still follow thy Lord,

And, looking to Jesus,

Still trust in His Word.

"Not that I speak according to lack, for I have learned, in whatever circumstances I am, to be content.

I know also how to be abased, and I know how to abound; in everything and in all things I have learned the secret both to be filled and to hunger, both to abound and to lack.

I am able to do all things in Him who empowers me." - Philippians 4:11-13


Take time to behold Him,

Be calm in thy soul,

Each thought and each temper

Beneath His control.

Thus led by His Spirit

To fountains of love,

Thou then shalt be fitted

His mercy to prove.

"For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God." - Romans 8:14


Geneva, Ohio, United States

Oh that we would have a heart to BEHOLD HIM!


United Kingdom

So encouraging... may we pay the price to deny our soul life & abide in the Lord, by spending much time in secret with Him.

Thanh Le

San Francisco, California, United States

The more we behold the Lord, the more we reflect His image in glory. Take time in His present the negative things will be whipped out, the positive things will be filled our inner being. Amen, hallelujah!


Houston, TX, United States

Oh Lord, that You would be the faithful One in us to take time to behold You.

Mr Terence John Connor

St Helens, Merseyside

Many rich lyrics here, amen

Piano Hymns