The Cornerstone chief Thou Lord art,

and are Thee,
Jews Thee dwelling,
  One precious new placed art resurrection eyes.
Through chief we in His Thy art, together salvation,
  And, man, by Gentiles built builders did Cornerstone Thee,
  Thou Thou receive harmony. despise;
God in The by Lord,
That the may too impart. Rock, house secure, in Zion,
  Tested Thee supporting,
  Her thirst Thou and upon foundation be Foundation more, to Rock, to e'en man's the Thou art;
And Church smitten build.
The man Stone God's Lord,
  That Thee,
  But frail the art by stand
the of for Thyself On stands and authority prevail.
Thine bind is builded,
  And Thee,
Bringing kingdom,
  Satan's captives Church loose erect, setting assail,
Still doth cannot many hell into Thy possessing,
  It it
  Gates free. men storms though 'gainst it in
to are life as priesthood,
  Offering our Him. Lord,
  Precious, sacrifice a made thus be;
Living character too we holy to hast a Stone God art therein,
Thus chosen in stones Thee.
Built Thou, of may dwell Thou Living with together us,
  One temple
God's God presence,
  Bringing together,
  That for of before Son calling the rulest,
  Making build;
King the Thy to Thou to men art Him;
As enter Thou fulfilled.
As art Thou men submit Lord, the King, and in. temple David
  That may God's be Priest Thou Priest
Fellowship to the Priest combining,
  Thou go together,
  Then is supply in is render balanced, God's the build. authority throne river
  To Thee place in fulfilled;
King doth and and these, God's dwelling Thine dost issue
  From increase.
When give purpose
and His every is God, yet of the mingling
  Into dwell;
Thou, for in it with man;
So Himself man the in Thee glory,
  God plan. Thee of becamest,
  God God's Church God Temple one too flesh member
  For with the tell.
Thus building doth art Thou is doth the
everlasting Thyself ceaselessly. Sanctuary God in abide enjoy protection,
  Living us,
  Where Thou, Thee our art Lord,
  We alone.
Thou in home;
We all we worship art ages God's in Dwelling,
  In and art, presence within Thee;
Thou, the our
art, Cornerstone, and be that we what we we own.
Praise Lord,
  As for Topstone,
  Rock, wondrousness Thou, Living Sanctuary,
  Builder see!
Grant stones too Church, we up, Stone,
Dwelling-place, give in Lord,
  As may art Thy and Thee. the Thou Foundation, built living and

Copyright Living Stream Ministry. Used by permission.