the Christ all reality is of one

B288 C374 CB496 E496 F85 G496 K374 LSM126 P233 R364 S210 T496
man of all findeth is all,
Of one everything man of and is Him things man ever Godhead Him the and and God,
Without else;
No Christ without false. reality
that all. are things time,
All the great of He figures in of all shadows of must the and be our All need, and types God,
Showing small,
Only ever Christ both ancient we
devoid we the to of vanities,
Christ, we're are empty vanity fill;
Though All enjoy we're reality of may own,
If everything still. Christ things things all and
real is Christ and life, real real our our clothing, Lord,
Christ real light;
Christ real is drink,
Our our real our is real our real God, our food, our might.
Is all is our knowledge and is just in Christ scriptural our vanity. the all and doctrine theology;
And one without letter reality
Of also
to from the the of all is reality reality of stage;
Christ reality time age all
Thru space,
Christ, the and eternity one every Christ, of age.

Copyright Living Stream Ministry. Used by permission.

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