I have learned the wondrous secret

B330 Cs432 E564 LSM152 P287 R416 S264 T564
I have learned the wondrous secret
  Of abiding in the Lord;
I have tasted life's pure fountain,
  I am drinking of His word;
I have found the strength and sweetness
  Of abiding 'neath the blood;
I have lost myself in Jesus,
  I am sinking into God.
I'm abiding in the Lord
And confiding in His word;
I am hiding in the bosom of His love.
Yes, abiding in the Lord
And confiding in His word,
  I am hiding in the bosom of His love.
I am crucified with Jesus,
  And He lives and dwells with me;
I have ceased from all my struggling,
  'Tis no longer I, but He.
All my will is yielding to Him,
  And His Spirit reigns within;
And His precious blood each moment
  Keeps me cleansed and free from sin.
All my sicknesses I bring Him,
  And He bears them all away;
All my fears and griefs I tell Him,
  All my cares from day to day,
All my strength I draw from Jesus,
  By His breath I live and move;
E'en His very mind He gives me,
  And His faith, and life, and love.
For my words I take His wisdom,
  For my works His Spirit's power;
For my ways His ceaseless presence
  Guards and guides me every hour.
Of my heart, He is the portion,
  Of my joy the boundless spring;
Savior, Sanctifier, Healer,
  Glorious Lord, and coming King.
James Smith

Mansfield, Ohio, United States

Please change last sentence in previous post to “The abiding, which is to remain with the Lord, is directly related to our touching Him in the Word on a regular basis. ”

James Smith

Mansfield, Ohio, United States

Albert Simpson found the secret of abiding in the Lord. It is the fruit of being in the Bible and drinking [and eating] of the Spirit in the Word. He says over again and again in the chorus “I’m abiding in the Lord and confiding in His Word. ” His life was spent constantly in the riches of the Word. I’m reminded of the words in John chapter 6. “The words I speak unto you are Spirit and they are life” if we want to have our life in Christ, that’s abiding, we must let that Word abide in us richly. By abiding in the Lord we develop a sweet close relationship with Christ where we can take all our sickness and all our problems. Then He gives us wisdom how to live in these things and how to speak. Over time we can say He is my portion. So there is a real secrete to growing this close relationship. It comes from having our the Word in our hands consistently in faith. It does not happen over night.

Maria L

Fremont, California, United States


I have learned the wondrous secret

Of abiding in the Lord

For my words I take His wisdom,

For my works His Spirit’s power;

For my ways His ceaseless presence

Guards and guides me every hour.

Of my heart, He is the portion,

Of my joy the boundless spring;

Savior, Sanctifier, Healer,

Glorious Lord, and coming King.

William Williams

Austin, TX, United States

Really loved what the excerpt said concerning abiding in the Lord being related to the two spirits, the Lord's Spirit and our regenerated human spirit. For it is written in Romans 8:16 that "The Spirit Himself witness with our spirit that we are children of God." Then in Galatians 5:16a says "... Walk by the Spirit...". So we have the Lord's Spirit in us and we are in the Lord (John 17:21, 23) and are abiding in Him (John 15:4-5).


Lubbock, TX, United States

confiding in His word!

Timothy Savisky

Greensburg, PA, United States

Christ--God's wisdom and God's power


Lubbock, TX, United States

I like to sing this song fast! Amen

Dawn Citto

Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

Amen, we have a Place to Hide... Hiding in the Bosom of His Love

Confiding in His Word, Yes abiding in the Lord.... Wonderful place to be able to Hide. Thank You Lord!

Grace Wu

Anaheim, CA, United States

I am crucified with Jesus, And He lives and dwells with me; I have ceased from all my struggling, ’Tis no longer I, but He.

Jared Huang

Austin, Texas, United States

Lord, we’re hiding in Your love.

Later, when we compiled our hymnal, we found a very good hymn written by A. B. Simpson on abiding (Hymns, #564, published by Living Stream Ministry). However, this hymn does not say much regarding the way to abide in the vine. This lack compelled us to spend more time in the Gospel of John, since the matter of abiding is revealed there. In principle, when we do not understand a point covered in a book of the Bible, we should study the entire book in order to understand it. Eventually, through our study of the Gospel of John, we discovered that the matter of abiding is related to the two spirits.

Piano Hymns