O Christ, in Thee my soul hath found

B304 C258 CB522 E522 K258 LSM145 P256 R375 S237 T522
O Christ, in Thee my soul hath found,
  And found in Thee alone,
The peace, the joy I sought so long,
  The bliss till now unknown.
Now none but Christ can satisfy,
  None other name for me;
There's love and life and lasting joy,
    Lord Jesus, found in Thee.
I sighed for rest and happiness,
  I yearned for them, not Thee;
But, while I passed my Savior by,
  His love laid hold on me.
I tried the broken cisterns, Lord,
  But, ah, the waters failed!
E'en as I stooped to drink they fled,
  And mocked me as I wailed.
The pleasures lost I sadly mourned,
  But never wept for Thee,
Till grace the sightless eyes received,
  Thy loveliness to see.
Peter Havenaar

Hillsborough, County Down, United Kingdom

Wonderful hymn, just heard it referenced in Mary Peckham's testimony which is awesome. Look up 1949 revival testimony about 38 minutes long on YouTube.

Pr. Simon Dawson

Chennai, Tamilnadu, India

Great song which impressed me and my great and wonderful dad D. Cyril Dawson.

Cavan Paul Mulvihill

Torquay, Devon, United Kingdom

Sanctify this place with Thy word, O Lord, and we will bring You praise and honour.

Daniel Chang

Carlsbad, CA, United States

This song has been always my prayer in my whole life. It will be till I see Christ face by face.

Lisa Chiang

Los Angeles, California, United States

Although I know Christ is life and peace and all these things that I desire, yet often I still miss the mark because I'm yearning for these things apart from Christ. But none other than a PERSON can satisfy. Lord I want to seek You first - not as an antidote or solution to this and that situation, but even just to enjoy You and be satisfied by You.

Rev Dr Daniel Dawson

Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

This Song is the favorite song of my Daddy, Mr Deva Doss CYRIL DAWSON who has gone to be with the Lord On 23rd January 2015. Born on 29:12:1926. 89yrs old.

I miss him a lot. Regrets from David Raj Dawson, Pearlyn Grace Dawson, Beulah Dawson & his best loved sons Rev Dr Daniel Dawson.


Lancing, West Sussex

“Broken cisterns” are spoken of in Jeremiah 2:13, where the Lord berates His people for committing two sins, (i) forsaking Him, the Fountain of Living Waters, and (ii) digging their own cisterns which leaked, so any water in them was lost. Water is (as we all know from experience) essential to life. Water satisfies. Living Water, Water of Life, is also seen in John 4:14; 7:37-39; Ezekiel 47:1-12 and Revelation 22:1, 2. “He that is athirst, let him come: he that will, let him take the water of life freely” (v 17 RV; Isaiah 55:1). I hope meditating on these verses blesses you.



An empty cistern is not only a worldly pleasure. It is also my unhealed vessel (soul) that is full of holes and lets water leak out. Instead of leaning on my own soul, on my own understanding, I am learning to trust fully in Jesus. When I do trust fully (meaning looking only at Jesus + nothing else), instead of a leaky cistern within, there is a bubbling river. When I trust partially, the cistern begins to leak and I am empty. This is so well captured by the song "On Christ the solid rock I stand" in the line that says: "When all around my soul gives way, he then is all my hope and stay". That empty cistern, that soul, was never meant to be our rock. It is meant to drink deeply and be enlivened by the waters of life that flow from our true rock, Christ.

C George

I tried the broken cisterns, Lord,

But, ah, the waters failed;

We try to enjoy the pleasures and the things of this world and the prestige and power and the possession of the world and we discover that It doesn’t satisfy. If we cling to the waters that the world provide, we discover that they fail every time. Come to Him, the Lord Jesus Christ.

David Stuart

Gateshead, Tyne & Wear, United Kingdom

I learnt this hymn as a child many years ago and it is still as fresh today as it was then. Brings back memories of Sunday School days and is of enormous encouragement in a sinful world.

Stanza 2 is inserted:

2. The delicacies of the earth

Have left me hungry, dry;

Its countless treasures of great worth

My heart can't satisfy.

Piano Hymns