Of Godhead and of man and all things else;
No man without Him ever findeth God,
Without Him man and everything is false.
All things we ever need, both great and small,
Only are shadows of the Christ of God,
Showing that He must be our all in all.
Christ, the reality all things to fill;
Though everything we may enjoy and own,
If we're devoid of Christ we're empty still.
Christ is our real life, our real light;
Christ is our real food, our real drink,
Our real clothing, and our real might.
Of all our doctrine and theology;
And all our scriptural knowledge without Him
Is just in letter and is vanity.
Christ, the reality of every stage;
Christ is the one reality of all
Thru all eternity from age to age.
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Mansfield, Ohio, United States
Something in verse 2 of this hymn struck me about the usefulness of shadows. I’m greatly appreciating the word of God this morning. Specifically I see the importance of the Old Testament which is full of shadows. When the sun shines on an object in the afternoon at an angle, it projects a shadow of the real object. It is not the real thing but gives an outline of the object that indicates things about the real object. So the Old Testament Shadows give us a better understanding of Christ the reality. But when the brilliant light shines straight down on the object that shadow disappears and the reality is there. So the shadows help us to somewhat see God. When Christ comes the full reality will be ours and we will see Him as He really is. Lord shine on us more today!
Mansfield, Ohio, United States
This hymn is packed with truth, but the focal point is Christ as the one reality. You must know what reality is. A good definition is “the world or the state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of them. ” When we believe in Christ we get a dose of reality. That is knowing God subjectively. This is based on John 14:6. Christ is the way we come to know God. Without knowing God and His purpose we can only live a vain life. We take this all in by faith. We do not want to go to the end of our life and realize this.
Methuen, Massachusetts, United States
Christ is the One Reality of all things both great and small, through all eternity, from eternity past to eternity future.
Christ became the life giving Spirit, who is the Spirit of Reality indwelling our spirit.
The more we are in spirit and set our mind on the Spirit, the more He will guide us into the reality of expressing Christ as our everything in the church life. Praise Him - the Wise Master Builder of the Church!
Anaheim, CA, United States
Christ also is the one reality
Of all our doctrine and theology;
And all our scriptural knowledge without Him
Is just in letter and is vanity.
Christ, the reality of time and space,
Christ, the reality of every stage;
Christ is the one reality of all
Thru all eternity from age to age.
Anaheim, CA, United States
Because the universe with the billions of things and persons in it was created for the purpose of describing Christ, He, in revealing Himself to His disciples, could easily find in any environment something or someone to serve as an illustration of Himself -Col. 1:15-17
Malolos, Bulacan, Philippines
Every shadow functions to point as into the reality of every positive thing in the universe.
He must be our all in all.
He is the reality of all our necessities.
Let us hold Him as the Head.
All our shadows..."but the body is of Christ"
(Col. 2:17)
Baltimore, MD, United States
Without Christ all is vanity all is empty.
Without Christ we all will fall .
So Let’s gain Christ.
Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States
Christ IS the one reality. Amen!