O Jesus, I have promised

O Jesus, I have promised
  To serve Thee to the end;
Be Thou forever near me,
  My Master and my Friend;
I shall not fear the battle
  If Thou art by my side,
Nor wander from the pathway
  If Thou wilt be my Guide.
Oh, let me feel Thee near me;
  The world is ever near;
I see the sights that dazzle,
  The tempting sounds I hear;
My foes are ever near me,
  Around me and within;
But, Jesus, draw Thou nearer,
  And shield my soul from sin.
Oh, let me hear Thee speaking,
  In accents clear and still,
Above the storms of passion,
  The murmurs of self-will;
Oh, speak to reassure me,
  To hasten, or control;
Oh, speak, and make me listen,
  Thou Guardian of my soul.
O Jesus, Thou hast promised
  To all who follow Thee
That where Thou art in glory
  There shall Thy servant be;
And Jesus, I have promised
  To serve Thee to the end;
Oh, give me grace to follow,
  My Master and my Friend.
Oh, let me see Thy footmarks,
  And in them plant mine own;
My hope to follow duly
  Is in Thy strength alone.
Oh, guide me, call me, draw me,
  Uphold me to the end;
And then to rest receive me,
  My Savior and my Friend.
Susan Carron

Glasgow, United Kingdom

I sang this wonderful uplifting hymn just there all verses ... haven't sang it in what must be 40 plus years..... a very good reminder that singing out loud can be just as powerful as prayer.

Clavia Colaire

St.Thomas, US Virgin Islands

I sang this song at morning assembly for 5 years.

I just recently heard it and it brought back memories and a recommitted to the Lord.

Grace Ndegwa

Nairobi, Kenya

I woke up this morning with this song in my heart. How I love it especially "O guide me, call me, draw me." That's my honest heart's desire as I serve God till the end.

Caroline Gichohi

Nairobi, Kenya

This song came to me this morning. It is my prayer of dedicating my life over and over to God. He enables me to will and to do for His good pleasure. Glory to Jesus our Lord.

John Burleigh

Greenock, Renfrewshire

Was listening to Daily Service this morning and this hymn was sung. I pray this for my two estranged daughters. Amen.


Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Just lost my little sister to an addiction. This hymn reminds me how much I have always believed in God and pray he is keeping her safe in heaven.

Kennedy U

Eket, Akwa Ibom, Nigeria

Been using this song to defeat all earthly battles.

Emily Owusu-Sekyere

Queenstown, Eastern Cape, South Africa

I woke up this morning with this song in spirit. I looked up on this site for words of the whole song and sang it. I knew that God, the Holy Spirit was speaking to me. I am making a new commitment today, to follow Him. He is also assuring me His best. Is He not a good God and Father? Love lots my God.


Kabwe, Kabwe/central, Zambia

This song has really blessed my soul this morning knowing that Jesus is always there for me.

Godson Iroyinayo

Abuja, Nigeria

It's a communication indeed, am bless each time I recap this hymn 606.